Message from @hrisckybusiness91
Discord ID: 787550636652757033
<:laugh:448312947073351681> "red rover red rover send antifa right over"
Can someone post some links to antifa beat downs from today in DC
I'll let you know if this compilation stream gets spicy
Thanks just @me
I know its not good to interact with these people but sometimes I just cant help it...
How is it that things seem bad for our side to win and yet anifags are getting more violent
Because we keep treating them with kid gloves. We don't stab back
Hope that antifag gets his skull smashed in
Knowing leftists they don't need their brains to function
We love to talk about how they are a bunch of entitled soyboys, but I think we underestimate them
In the moment we look at them as if they were another human being, they don't look at us like that
an entitled soyboy with a knife is a threat... But still an entitled soyboy
the problem is that we haven't brought out the guns and put these fucks in their place
The only way you should view antifa and BLM should be nothing more than a mob of goblins
Pedophiles, rapists, degenerates. the whole lot of them
I'm not saying run and hide in terror. But not view them softly. View them as you would someone trying to break into your home
And kill you
That's why I said goblins. They all do the aformentioned
They shouldn't even be given the honor of being considered animals
It's hard to look at someone who looks like you and hurt them, at least for me. That is a weakness of mine that I need to work on
Even subhumans or less will kill you if given the chance. I'm just tired of seeing our side get knifed in the belly and people act as if they are all just soyboys.
At a being that looks like you
We need to take them seriously as a threat and respond in kind
Testudo formation
I do have a functional spartan shield. Heavy. And it's all you really need
Absolutely we do need more training for dealing with cowards with small arms
It doubles as a blunt-weapon disguised as a defensive tool
We need to be in groups and alert
And if you know they're coming, be armed
The best way to deal with a knife wielder is to not engage