Message from @Jin
Discord ID: 787555468204703755
Screw these AGs
And that is our major disadvantage. I can't go off armed to the teeth to DC to get into a battle with Antifa
I have a family
About the first part
having a family is based
It's why I can't. Who is going to protect them if I'm locked up
And they know this. Antifa and all them. They know we have these values.
I wish I had the answers
This is actually a good product
They may have the streets, but we have the future. Don't give it up to these clowns to satisfy yourself
Oh, I'm not. I know my place is here protecting me and mine. For now
I will be more than pleased to enact justice if war comes though.
I told my girl, much to her chagrin: I will answer the call to protect our future.
And not in a LARPing sense.
The way I look at all of us right now: this is our modern day tavern like the Sons of Liberty when they formed this country.
Based indeed
I'm still looking for someone to fight for, besides God of course
For God and country
That's supposed to be the stance of all. Action only when the situation calls for it. And at all times, semper paratus
Always prepared
I feel dirty now using tbe coast guard motto as a Marine
I'm not a Democrat, I can't f*** the country
Lol winemoms
It's also Christmas time friends. Let's all have cheer the best we can. I'm thankful for this based server that allows us to discuss and know we aren't alone
Is that a question?
a statement
In Minecraft of course
Indeed brothers
Nobiscum Deus
deus vult
Ffs, I wish more ppl had this game