Message from @Rievous

Discord ID: 791785160668086272

2020-12-24 21:40:45 UTC  

"The company is relatively coy about its current data center footprint, which includes large leases at a RagingWire (now NTT) facility in Sacramento, and at a QTS Realty data center in Atlanta. In 2018, Twitter announced it would move cold data storage and Hadoop clusters to Google Cloud, but that is thought to represent just a fraction of the social platform's overall workload."

2020-12-24 21:43:43 UTC  

well, we could always locate twitter employees and get the information from them **in minecraft**

2020-12-24 21:44:12 UTC  


2020-12-24 21:44:16 UTC  

cause whats the left gonna do without facebook and twitter?

2020-12-24 21:44:22 UTC  


2020-12-24 21:44:31 UTC  

no more online cancel mobs, no more heresy

2020-12-24 21:44:48 UTC  

parler becomes number 1 website

2020-12-24 21:44:48 UTC  


2020-12-24 21:44:53 UTC  

gamer moments all around

2020-12-24 21:44:56 UTC  


2020-12-24 21:45:01 UTC  

does put a smile on my face

2020-12-24 21:45:56 UTC  

cut the lefts communication, locate the buildings where CNN, MSNBC, VICE, Vox, and all those other networks operate from, obliterate them **in minecraft**

2020-12-24 21:46:35 UTC  

no more fake news, no more twitter, no more facebook, left has lost all mainstream communication, the normies are no longer subjected to fake news

2020-12-24 21:46:43 UTC  

In minecraft, of course

2020-12-24 21:47:30 UTC  

That but unironically

2020-12-24 21:47:34 UTC  


2020-12-24 21:48:32 UTC  

we're not mindless barbarians that just burn shit down at random cause we're angry (like BLM, ANTIFA, ETC) no we got targets **in minecraft**

2020-12-24 21:49:47 UTC  

I'd be down for targeted, precise destruction **In Minecraft.**

2020-12-24 21:51:32 UTC

2020-12-24 21:51:57 UTC  

LA is even worse

2020-12-24 21:52:17 UTC  

we don't really have to worry about LA, considering it's gonna burn itself down anyway

2020-12-24 21:52:22 UTC  


2020-12-24 21:52:41 UTC  


2020-12-24 21:53:40 UTC  

Yeah, but no reason we can't help it along

2020-12-24 21:53:50 UTC  

In Minecraft

2020-12-24 21:53:57 UTC  

if we're doing a civil war **in minecraft** we should write down all the places that need to be nuked **in minecraft**

2020-12-24 21:55:25 UTC  


2020-12-24 21:55:33 UTC  


2020-12-24 22:01:29 UTC  

@Rievous they're building a Facebook server farm in Nashville right now.

2020-12-24 22:02:46 UTC  


2020-12-24 22:03:14 UTC  

It's on like 400 acres i think

2020-12-24 22:06:52 UTC  

400 acres can't stop 75 million of us

2020-12-24 22:06:57 UTC  


2020-12-24 22:12:21 UTC  

Merry Christmas Eve, even to weebs and neopags

2020-12-24 22:13:13 UTC  

>mfw older sister is a pagen

2020-12-24 23:06:19 UTC  


2020-12-24 23:08:00 UTC  

Unless shes a wiccan

2020-12-24 23:08:07 UTC  

Then shes not a real pagan

2020-12-24 23:08:54 UTC  

she dresses in all black, draws pentagrams, and draws goat people and other lovecraftian abominations.