Message from @Jin
Discord ID: 775099151167258694
Love that they censor the don on twitter but not some stupid shit like that
Why are they even verified 😂
Has this mess at least helped with your no-fap November?
I dont follow that.
Going too long without release is actually horrible for your prostate, but then again I eat grease ham cheese sammichs
Said the coomer
@Panzer of the Lake I look forward to it
Lmao how about dem uh
*dynamic* IPs
they're trying to fearmonger with that but they don't realize how much they fucked up by declaring war on 4chan
bring out the claymore roomba!
4chan is the wild wild west
4chan has some very odd and crafty fellows
Hope these commie fucks come for me so I can stack them 6 feet high and use them as sandbags.
there are very few things i want more than see antifags get what they deserve
i honestly cant keep track on which acounts are real and which are parody anymore
That photo feels very real
Also, remember the truth; If they keep attacking, reload.
But does that make right to go out and give free helicopter rides to people, before they want to give you cookies and milk?
i would prefer to purge them before they purge me
Lindsay Graham is such a fucking pussy
He flip flops a lot I’ve noticed
What’d he do now
Says he'll accept Bidens Cabinet choices
Playing both sides. cuck
The game of politics.. often depressing for the common people. These elites should be Bastille'd
French Revolution