Message from @Jirka
Discord ID: 776218517812936704
eh I dont know to be honest
I guess we'll never know
I guess
I better remove that, they'll punish me.
Ay yo what's good
I don't even know if they are actually banned or just left before someone from mods/admins tried that.
It was all conversations until spam. And then nobody could follow anything anymore
tried what
sorry, ignore my last post. Said it in a stupid way
you could ban user who left after posting something so they can't return anyway I think
Well all top admins/mods have no idea how to set up a server (technically speaking) so things are a bit weird like being able to post images in general
doesn't matter now, I don't see spam now.
Yeah, it's pretty clear here now
They need to add a bot that gives everyone a role
I still think conservative servers should have minimum censorship ideally none. We all hate, when leftist censor us for made-up bullshit reasons
very simple
> I still think conservative servers should have minimum censorship ideally none. We all hate, when leftist censor us for made-up bullshit reasons
@Jirka in a perfect world but then you have people that will come in here and spam porn/gore
I imagine it's tricky to defend free speech in a such a server
I think we can agree that senseless spamming of a single stacking word is ban-material
I dont really care though
That's sus
if it's something actually illegal by law that it's better to censor it or possibly ban.
I dont want to get in to trouble
but spammers come and go. The server will not change over bunch of people spamming.
they can always get bored of it
I've encountered spammers in almost every server I've been in
there just needs too be a spam channel
They don't stay for long <:smugpepe:445634631950139403>
While true, since this is pretty much the equivalent of a boomer server with no measures to move spammers to spam channel or auto-remove spam material
one thing about spammers here is everyone emote doesn't work and there aren't really specific roles to abuse mass tag
<@&444627714536636427> <@&444627642285555722>
so you just load wall of text to present and move on
Spammers would end up having members leave before they even get bored of what they're doing
I need to fix this place up
new channels
new roles