Message from @RyanF

Discord ID: 776283807358648330

2020-11-12 03:11:48 UTC  

This country actually has a very rich antitrust history

2020-11-12 03:11:59 UTC  

We've broken up Big Telecom, Big Oil, etc.

2020-11-12 03:12:09 UTC  

$600 long distance bills before the internet calling other computers

2020-11-12 03:12:17 UTC  

Oops lol

2020-11-12 03:12:28 UTC  

Bell had literally everyones phone numbers and fucked with people they didint like. So the government brought the banhammer.

2020-11-12 03:12:43 UTC  

@zNickMan think back to 15 years ago with cell bills

2020-11-12 03:12:54 UTC  

That too

2020-11-12 03:12:57 UTC  

Remember "free nights & weekends"

2020-11-12 03:13:02 UTC  


2020-11-12 03:13:06 UTC  

Lol ya

2020-11-12 03:13:15 UTC  

remember dial up internet, and you'd pray no one would call

2020-11-12 03:13:25 UTC  

And I just gave away my age lol

2020-11-12 03:13:27 UTC  

I remember getting a 600 dollar bill from Verizon. Never paid it cause fuck that. Unlimited my ass.

2020-11-12 03:13:45 UTC  

Using computers like wargame movie

2020-11-12 03:14:18 UTC  

@zNickMan i've never understood why people think it's a bad this to expose your age

2020-11-12 03:14:27 UTC  

member when Bill Gates got a pie in the face?

2020-11-12 03:14:28 UTC  

good times

2020-11-12 03:14:33 UTC  


2020-11-12 03:14:37 UTC  

That was when Congress was investigating Microsoft for antitrust lol

2020-11-12 03:14:38 UTC  

no, but i'm intrigued

2020-11-12 03:14:42 UTC  

That was fuckin great

2020-11-12 03:15:10 UTC  

Ah, simpler times

2020-11-12 03:15:20 UTC  

He was one of the most unpopular people in the world before the media built him up as a superhero

2020-11-12 03:15:26 UTC  

I remember when the Jolly Rodger released the new anarchists cookbook online.

I printed it out at school

2020-11-12 03:15:28 UTC  

Now he's potentially THE most unpopular man in the world

2020-11-12 03:15:37 UTC  

hahaha amazing

2020-11-12 03:16:17 UTC

2020-11-12 03:16:28 UTC  

i'm old enough to remember back in the day when direct TV cable boxes used to read your package plan of a little credit card like thing they put in it, and if it was removed you wouldn't be able to watch tv

2020-11-12 03:17:09 UTC  

There was a way to get around that and I think it was the hard reset.

2020-11-12 03:17:15 UTC  

I bought one of the upgraded cards off ebay back then. Free satellite for about 3 years till it stopped working

2020-11-12 03:17:47 UTC  

lol nice

2020-11-12 03:17:57 UTC  

I remember when secret characters and items in videogames had to be unlocked, not bought

2020-11-12 03:18:09 UTC  

man you're old as fuck

2020-11-12 03:18:13 UTC  

Had the covid, brothers :(

2020-11-12 03:18:28 UTC  

Miss anything this last few days with updates on our victory?

2020-11-12 03:19:16 UTC  

@Philip The Televangelist it's turning into mass censorship & then trying to black pill

2020-11-12 03:19:20 UTC  

I still know how to Jimmy out a vhs with a butter knife.

2020-11-12 03:19:48 UTC  


2020-11-12 03:20:05 UTC  

@Philip The Televangelist shits fake and gay right now.

2020-11-12 03:20:05 UTC  

@TheMousez I am still hopeful and confident, God has ordained Trump so there is little they can do