Message from @kch91
Discord ID: 776304332072157244
He will for sure
You wouldn't be seeing what you are if he couldn't
This has been the biggest clusterfuck of propaganda, censorship and cope from the left I've ever seen
All these single vote ballots are gonna get tossed out
I know the fraud is real and exist. But the entire system is rigged against him.
It's really up to us, so long as we refuse to accept defeat he will
Home depot and the media don't make you President Elect
If trump ends up winning I hope everyone has stock piled their ammo bc the left really will burn the country down
Protest we have seen the past few years will be nothing compared to what they will do this time
-laughs in .50 BMGz
[laughs in constitutional carry state]
I have about 2k rounds that I bought before the pandemic so I’m not too worried but most people missed out on it and barely have any.
I use to enjoy going to the range. All this hysterical shit has made dumping 200 rounds of 9 painful.
Things seem to be recovering a little in the midwest, there was a gunshow last weekend and prices were not THAT insane
Turnout was beyond belief though lol
I use to train once a week professionall but I haven’t shot on over 8 months bc of this nonsense
If you guys know what’s being done inside the gun industry to pray on scared normies to generate income...
Are they encouraging Americans to watch and read the news?
5.56 is like 80 cents a round. It was .36 cents a round before covid lol
Fuck bag in town who runs a gun shop just bought his wife a Lamborghini Urus
A lot of these shops help throttle demand
I believe that
Make a ton of money
Thus a $36 50 round pack of 9
I have to believe in a state like Kansas where I can just as easily buy an AR-15 from the trunk of my friend's car that gets controlled a bit by competition
Ammo has gone way up though
Print guns, not money.
I live in NC you can sell privately all you want but the risk is on the seller so when I primitively sell I always ask to see their conceal carry permit
We can open carry legally here but not conceal carry. Meet a permit for that
Dude I was looking at ARs and the cheapest out was like 900
Yea I’m in. NC too
My at was 5 grand lol
I built it myself
"If it can't run the steel, it doesn't deserve the brass"
Someone else in here is from NC. We actually live in same city, don’t know if he rejoined new server tho
@Jin ok boomer