Message from @TheMousez
Discord ID: 776646358001385483
@TheMousez How long did it take you to set that shot up?
getting everything in the right spot etc.
Work table mess ftw
We've even got an arena, this is where our POW'S fight for their way to freedom
suck it elon
Then I got this!
lol fuck thats nuts
you can add different salts for different colors
really cool results
I've tried it with the colored flame stuff
The pressure blows it all out
10 to 13v foot flames average
Im sure theres a way, can you condense the flame?
to a thin super heated light saber of sorts
think hacksmith
I could do it, but it would require a full teardown & slight redesign
it'll be fun! thats what its all about.
It would be, but I'm leaving it alone for now. No reason to me with what works.
How long did it take you?
Probably about 2 hours
I figured it out pretty quick
First test nearly blew up though due to a feedback through the fuel line.
Had to drill out the regulator a bit to increase fuel flow
Very cool, let me know if you improve it, a video would be neat.
I'd post it if discord would let me.
always put it up on youtube?
I might have it uploaded there. 1 sec
Damn thats badass how long does the tank last?
I've got like 8 channels for different shit. Figured I had it updated to one
5 minutes if i hold it down to max. 10 if I burst or don't use full flow
I think I've got some lockpicking vids on that channel as well
@🅱øg Wizard that's pretty cool mate