Message from @TheMousez
Discord ID: 776664205369278495
This was my last cod video. I deleted the rest..
This hour is on election fraud in Nevada
Then all three hours repeat starting next hour.
looks like the DNC is running scared they know they are about to lose PA
If GET cucks out & stops fighting. There will never be another republican president
It will legit be sodom and gomorrah
There will be a war if biden wins.
73 million Americans will not let this travesty stand (hopefully)
And the moment he gets into office, he already said he would pack the courts.
Plus, if GET cucks out now, the GA senate race will be lost. Giving dems 3 branch control
I honestly don't want to even think of what they would do with that kind of power
He did just post a vid though
Is it just me, or is he getting little.. tangerine..
He has always been orange.
Too much time in Florida
Why would they be able to certify when there are court cases uo?
There won’t be much of a civil war if trump wins
That sounds retarded
Yeah I agree with that
If anyone were to fight in it on this server they’d be a retard for saying so openly anyway
Im not going to fight to defend the greatest president ever thats for dam sure, especially knowing that conservative republican homes own 3/4 of all guns in america.🇺🇸✊
Did Biden just legally win Arizona?
Is anything being done to dispute it?
Aren't there ongoing investigations?
and lawsuits
or is that NV
I know it is for some states but idk about AZ
Yea there are legal challenges in AZ, but from my understanding the court has to make a ruling before any recounts/audits will be done unless the margin dips below 1%. meaning they can technically call it? But at the same time calling a state is retarded with active legal cases cause it is only going to make you lose credibility as a news outlet.