Message from @Niveron

Discord ID: 776791704883429377

2020-11-13 08:30:45 UTC  

The boog boys are just larpers. No one who isnt fighting the system peacefully in the streets is going to do anything

2020-11-13 08:31:13 UTC  

Im not the only one saying it ether Alex Jones says it all the time

2020-11-13 08:31:24 UTC  

Most of them joined up with blm anyways

2020-11-13 08:31:42 UTC  

Yeah like the one that got his head canoed in austin

2020-11-13 08:31:45 UTC  

And the rest are lolberts

2020-11-13 08:31:54 UTC  

Ugh lolberts are the worst

2020-11-13 08:31:57 UTC  

Fcking lolberts

2020-11-13 08:32:41 UTC  

I mean the principles sound great but you cant be a pure libertarian when the rest of the world isnt playing by your rules

2020-11-13 08:32:49 UTC

2020-11-13 08:34:37 UTC  

Only material support. And even then, no tanks, planes, missiles, etc

2020-11-13 08:34:57 UTC  

Yet the beat the whole Russian army

2020-11-13 08:35:27 UTC  

Then used those same guns we gave them on us 30 years later

2020-11-13 08:35:57 UTC  

Gotta give credit to the ak. It lasts through anything

2020-11-13 08:38:25 UTC  

Indestructible nearly

2020-11-13 08:39:16 UTC  

Heck, my old Mosin Nagant was used in ww2. It still hits a 1ft target at 300m no problem

2020-11-13 08:40:15 UTC  

Odly enough, captured from the Russians 🤣🤣🤣

2020-11-13 08:41:53 UTC  

Then there was the chechin war. Where they killed those Russian solders.

2020-11-13 08:42:21 UTC  

I actually saw the video of that incident. It was rough...

2020-11-13 11:28:06 UTC  

wait why do we have a LEGO bot 😂

2020-11-13 12:49:49 UTC  

> Animals.
Dude, come on. the worst case of rabies in a pitbull is still more tame than a chechnyan.

2020-11-13 12:52:54 UTC  

> taking the word of an individual and acting like it applies to every single person. 'Hurr Durr you don't understand guerilla tactics so obviously nobody understands guerilla tactics', Get lost bud

And now Professor Niveron will resume his lecture on why boogers are full of shit.
The above quotation is a perfect example. A booger can't handle when someone shatters his Rambo fantasy.

2020-11-13 12:54:22 UTC  

I am aware that the public school system of the good 'ol US of A is flawed, but do try to stay with me here.
Each and every insurrection against the government involves guerilla tactics in one shape, way or form.

2020-11-13 12:55:21 UTC  

even the event of George Washington and co. telling the King of all britcucks to go fuck himself with his taxes did that.

2020-11-13 12:55:35 UTC  

google "History of the American Revolution"

2020-11-13 12:56:05 UTC  

The modern booger thinks that his shitty milsurp gear and AR "build" is enough. News, it isn't.

2020-11-13 12:57:52 UTC  

Also, if you are planning to take on the government, you know what's one of the best things to do? Not telling it out loud, where the "big brother" can hear you. You, know, a thing called "Conspiracy". Polaks didn't announce "hey krauts, we're gonna do an uprising if you keep fucking us over" before August 1944.

2020-11-13 13:00:57 UTC  

You know what happens to boogers who don't conspire in secret? At best they end up on some bullshit government watch list, at worst, if caught doing something stupid that is, they get their junies spread in shitholes like USP Atlanta, which I was told is by far one of the shittiest federal prisons in the United States.

2020-11-13 13:02:41 UTC  

But please do go on, how a hypothetical 70k boogers, majority of whom only training is plinking down the range, is gonna take up the government forces of DC, which I was told consists of the 3rd Infantry Regiment, the DC National Guard, the DC Police, the Secret Service, the Capitol Police, the US Marshals, and fuck who knows what else

2020-11-13 13:03:56 UTC  

All trained personell, more than capable to deal with nuisances like the mentioned scenario.

2020-11-13 13:06:52 UTC  

A proper modern boog, was back in the 1990, when a small country on the Baltic Sea told the all mighty Gorbachev and his soviet union to go fuck itself.
The preparations for an armed conflict included:
1. Using folklore gathering clubs to uncover hidden weapons caches left behind by the armed resistance of 1944-1953
2. manufacturing home built smgs and improvised explosives, including fuse bombs and self detonating molotovs
3. stealing kit from Dossaf(a paramilitary organisation of the USSR)
4. Stealing civilian airplanes, like the AN-2 to use as improvised bombers
5. Manufacturing improvised air bombs using household propane tanks

2020-11-13 13:10:07 UTC  

The armed conflict didn't come to pass, which is good for both sides.

2020-11-13 14:40:23 UTC  

@Niveron you keep thinking we've would be fighting the army. First off, the can't use the army on civilians.
Second, a majority of the armed forces are Trump supporters.

And it would only take a fraction of that 70k to simply take over the white house, congress, etc. At that point it would be over.

2020-11-13 15:04:27 UTC  
2020-11-13 15:04:41 UTC  

Okay so if Biden-Harris actually take office, we can basically assume the Harris family will be rich as fuck within the next 4 years due to some money laundering type shit just like the Biden family 🙂

2020-11-13 15:05:03 UTC  

Also, if Kamala’s husband had the ties to the Chinese communist party prior to any of the election (probably did) then that could be a reason why joe picked her as a running mate. More mutual relationships with China 🙂

2020-11-13 15:05:09 UTC  

What y’all think of that?

2020-11-13 15:05:18 UTC  

Idk if it’s true but makes sense to me

2020-11-13 15:06:33 UTC  

That’s why I was gonna say

2020-11-13 15:08:00 UTC  

Are you saying kamalas husbands firm is a state owned enterprise?

2020-11-13 15:11:54 UTC  

Gotcha I get what u mean

2020-11-13 15:12:12 UTC  

Thx for clarifying