Message from @jday1516
Discord ID: 776890331416494121
Don't leave out drunk rednecks
South bend Indiana
20 million vets
You guys ever been there?
I don't know a single redneck that doesn't have access to a plethora of weapons
I wonder what Google will say if I ask how many rednecks on the usa
100 million rednecks +/- 5 million
(my estimate)
"...a rifle behind every blade of grass..."
It gave me travel suggestions
I have hope Trump wins
I expect the worse though. We don't have a lot on our side
Worse case scenario, he loses. GA senate race goes 1-1 or 2-0.
Giving dems control of all 3 branches
1 florida man is equivalent of a thousand national guardsmen
Honestly if Dems take it Republicans are done for a long time, Dems will change all the rules...if Republicans win the America 1st motto will consume America and we can all smile and rejoice
Now, let's say dems get all 3 branches. Then they follow through with their promises of DC & Puerto Rico being states. That gives them a +4 in the senate, +around 20 or so electoral college votes, and I think around 3 to 5 house seats
Then comes what pelosi tried to sneak into the stimulus. Removal of all voter id requirements (this is real btw)
Say goodbye to any fair election from then on
Then let's say Biden & Harris enact the plan they've called for to pack the scotus
How’s the senate looking?
I know we have 50
It's all on GA January election
2 seats
If we don't win both. It's 50/50
With Harris being the tie breaker
Honestly I want the Dems to take Congress just to see what dumb shit they pass. Is that bad? anyone able to confirm this? (Yes I know it's cnn. Sent to me by a libtard associate)
Haven’t seen anything
NBC says Biden will take GA
Now let's say they also enact their gun legislation they call for on their website.
You can either turn in your guns & mags. Register them, or become criminals
NBC says a lot of things
They’re hand recounting there
lawsuits in PA MI and WI are still there and not gone
why anyone here pays attention to anything from the legacy media is beyond me