Message from @Void
Discord ID: 777118933626519582
Your only option is to burn down your school 🤷♂️
is what is it
I thought you cucks called that shit uni
they thought i was a school shooter cuz i had a kyle Rittenhouse pfp
its fucked
again I have no fucking clue what that means
like most of my classes are online rn
so we use Microsoft teams
just change it to alex jones, trump, or hitler
and i changed my proflie picture to Kyle Rittenhouse and they thought i was gonna shoot up the school
What does kyle have to do with shooting schools?
Hes a fucking hero**
cuz ar-15 bad
i dont know what pings around in their smooth brains
Im not sure on the percentage of britfags in here so most wont understand your blight.
> just change it to alex jones, trump, or hitler
@Void alex jones could be fun, trump too but hitler is way too basic
maybe George Rockwell
Well youre trying to be edgy in front of your little queer brit friends so hitler is an obvious choice.
na hitler is the basic white bitch of edgy
how about a black sun logo
@VoidWalker it must suck to have a old lady for a literal god-king.
not chat wet about the queen
mans gonna have to stab you for that
she literally owns you
not metaphorically, literally
well no slavery wasnt a thing is this country, we sorta sold them to you
and wait did they really have that fag shit on CN?!!?!?
cant be real
yeah its called Steven universe
spewing degeneracy at kids
They made the protagonist say joggers cant marry white people so they can hide a faggot agenda under the guise of interracial marriage. These are sick fucking people folks.
The lefties can enjoy their drunken charade until the SCOTUS ruling strikes down
It's simple really