Message from @thenicktoth
Discord ID: 777152382689738773
not metaphorically, literally
well no slavery wasnt a thing is this country, we sorta sold them to you
and wait did they really have that fag shit on CN?!!?!?
cant be real
yeah its called Steven universe
spewing degeneracy at kids
They made the protagonist say joggers cant marry white people so they can hide a faggot agenda under the guise of interracial marriage. These are sick fucking people folks.
The lefties can enjoy their drunken charade until the SCOTUS ruling strikes down
It's simple really
I get another stimulus
I buy ammo and shiny new kalashnikov
Just get ar15 chambered with 300 blackout
With suppressor
Quiet af
The gun action/mechanics are like louder than the actual explosion when firing i feel like
Right @Orwellianreptilian?
My mom doesn’t drink wine 🙃🥴
AKs are awesome, its like showing our triumph over the Soviet’s. Hey look at my commie gun I purchased through capitalism.
Listen, mud is underrated
Look at this fag
Hur dur ak bad
I mean it’s a cool gun
Hold up lemme put a .300 blackout in your 5.56 mag
Besides my saiga is in 7.62 nato
Aaaaand your barrel's fucked
AK's are surprisingly very durable rifles. Not a bad investment if you plan on shooting one in a shithole
I plan on fighting a racewar so yeah I guess
Cali can't get any more shithole than this
I live in the woods in the south
Perfect piece of land
Okay if you say so
As if I expected any help from these commiefornians anyway
I need to read up on what exactly happened here