Message from @jday1516
Discord ID: 777303438999945226
Come to Jamaica and feel some thighs....
@Practice you can use any other word or phrases that not the word itself
Caribbean is hella sketch
It isn't that bad
What about nigglet
Probably anything that starts with the n
Sir Nigward
You can't say jigjog either it seems (j = n)
Could just start calling the ex-slaves
That's the line
What American citizen alive was ever a slave
Ya'll creative with this shit.
I love it.
Mental slaves, countless
We are all slaves
a man chooses a slave obeys
Shit. Guess those serfs in India and Mid East aren't really opressed then
is that you day its dom
If you add Cristian influence to these maps it paints a clear picture
My blood pressure
Antarctica is the most free place in the world. Not a single slave
meet me in voice chat
It's to dam cold for that shit @TheMousez
Let's all travel to Antarctica
I know a guy who lives in Alaska. Few blacks there too
how much do we trust 4chan
I don't like the cold
Weird, I like it
Not a fan of frostbite
I don't know how the blacks there survive
I like it warm
Specially since I essentially live in a desert-shore state
Maybe it's because my body is very warm to the touch
It would make fucking sense that CIA is lurking around in 4Chan
I could take walking around in knee deep snow well as an 8 year old