Message from @jday1516
Discord ID: 778094186473586690
20 covid deaths is a stretch
that too but a lot of people are debating that, not everyone can just believe in that
I'm willing to bet they have something else afflicting them that was the actual cause of death
oh yeah 100%
i mean its not even that, they're saying it like its a huge deal
Someone wants hazard funding lol
My friend mom died got her cert said other cause no investigation week later her daughter's boyfriend turned himself in he strangled her to death.... I guess symptoms fit🤪
what the fuck
is that real?
is there an article on it?
There's also the leftist tendency to overestimate the virus and display it as something supernaturally infectious and deadly
No joke I have original and news article showing it
I'll have to dig for death cert she sent me
So, when you have a secularist population overly attached to earthly life (which is temporary anyway) *and* the media telling them Corumba is super deadly and is gonna get them, what you end up with is precisely what we're living through right now
Yep, a very clever one
Not too clever, but clever nonetheless
Thanks there are less but in 20 years it won't matter majority will forget and the rest are just crazy🤷
When did the original lockdowns begin again? 8 months ago?
it's sad but that's whats gonna happen but with the election stuff going on, I think we have something else coming
Friday 13th
I started to think people won't be able to mentally handle living under lockdowns by May or June and yet, here we are, a half of November has already passed
Trumps going to make a deal with the he's all about making deals he just needs enough leverage
I almost got arrested for trashing a quick check...some punk refused to ring me out unless I bought a mask
so stupid
Behind the counter laughing like a smart ass...I DNT wearmasks unless asked politely and only if in tight croud just mater of respect for others ...I choose personal space... But I don't judge because hisom could have cancer and that makes me a dick if I judge others for wearing one
You should have suplexed him over the counter
Either that or dropkick the motherfucker through the plastic shield by the counter
Sup ladies
Sup hoe
I feel compelled to always wear a mask where it's demanded because where I live is chock full of boomers