Message from @Jin

Discord ID: 787259977114320896

2020-12-12 07:13:16 UTC  

Nice whitepill

2020-12-12 07:14:57 UTC  

I think we all knew that was the case. It’s just a matter of proving it

2020-12-12 07:15:05 UTC  

Which hopefully this does the trick

2020-12-12 07:15:57 UTC  


2020-12-12 07:21:43 UTC  

Les fucking go

2020-12-12 07:21:46 UTC  

Wait. The forensic examination of the machines actually yielded results??

2020-12-12 07:23:27 UTC  

Looks like it

2020-12-12 07:23:45 UTC  

Michigan AG is now a traitorous mutt

2020-12-12 07:25:46 UTC  

Hang plez

2020-12-12 07:25:53 UTC  

I’m trying to find the actual interview on newsmax that the article mentions

2020-12-12 07:27:08 UTC  
2020-12-12 07:27:15 UTC  

Got it

2020-12-12 07:43:17 UTC
“To take down gangsters the government often uses their taxes”

2020-12-12 07:46:56 UTC  

They can't cover everything all the time.

2020-12-12 07:55:42 UTC  

"Without a sign, his sword the brave man draws, and asks no omen, but his country's cause." -Homer

2020-12-12 08:00:52 UTC  

Thats not saying it isn't an uphill battle

2020-12-12 08:23:27 UTC  

It's an uphill battle, in the mud, under the raging storm with harsh winds from every direction

2020-12-12 08:35:39 UTC  

Eitherway. In war and life, there is always a time where morale hits an all-time low. To which we look to our brothers for both reassurance and to offer assurance, and pray our leaders make the right call to get everyone through the fight, and those to come.

2020-12-12 09:07:27 UTC  

Who hear thinks hitler was painted as a villain since he lost but should actually be written as a a great man not because he murdered ppl but he was the last real man of of ambition and conquest... shouldn’t ppl of conquest be revered as amazing leaders the same way we think of roman emperor’s who killed many to achieve greatness and build a great nation or great Brittin who’s conquests are something to be envious of... where is the next great leader of this caliber where are the people who would fallow a modern day conquerer.

2020-12-12 10:08:44 UTC  

hand me the crack you

2020-12-12 10:10:05 UTC  

No. Either get your own, or steal it from Hunter

2020-12-12 13:08:38 UTC  

I don't care how many lawsuits get thrown out, I don't even care if Trump concedes, Biden is not legitimate. It's either a legal Trump government where our vote matters, or an illegal Biden tyranny where the strongarms prevail. Either way its not looking good for the corrupt dems, there is no reason to blackpill.

2020-12-12 13:13:44 UTC  

Why dont you ask my family that and see what happens to you?

2020-12-12 13:17:10 UTC  

And whats gonna happen. You a jew?

2020-12-12 13:18:01 UTC  

Well you might get punched in the mouth. No I am not a jew.

2020-12-12 13:18:24 UTC  

Both sides of our family suffered greatly under the nazis

2020-12-12 13:19:45 UTC  

Ok? And? Many ppl in lots of family trees suffered under persians, romans, etc you dont have a tizzy with that...why?

2020-12-12 13:20:25 UTC  
2020-12-12 13:21:44 UTC  

Because I despise people who glorify tyrant filth. You might as well be worshipping Obama.

2020-12-12 13:22:58 UTC  

Imagine clinging to the failed ideology of a vegetarian meth head

2020-12-12 13:25:41 UTC  

Sorry not sorry all conquerors of all kinds are spectacular! While i might not agree with each of there reasonings the idea of gathering an army of followers and marching to a weak and failing land and taking it then showing it how to thrive under your guidance is pretty awesome.

2020-12-12 13:26:25 UTC  

Its okay I understand you lick boots of tyrants.

2020-12-12 13:26:52 UTC  

why is an sjw a super mod of a trump discord server

2020-12-12 13:26:55 UTC  

I lick no boots i respect those that are not complacent cowards

2020-12-12 13:27:14 UTC  

Would you like to have my position?

2020-12-12 13:27:27 UTC  

no, its just odd

2020-12-12 13:27:49 UTC  

Sjw thats laughable too

2020-12-12 13:27:50 UTC  

most trump supporters are authright

2020-12-12 13:28:01 UTC  

No they arent

2020-12-12 13:28:06 UTC  
