Message from @S2
Discord ID: 794955241439232011
No thanks
Your loss
Sorry i dont want a dick nor i want someone to have my dick
Too bad
How big 😳
Mine is 7 inches
%mute @Bruhgundian
**DrizzyJavier#0909** muted **Bruhgundian#8645** for 10 minutes. Reason: None
Why tho
Nice dog bro
dog in boat
BLM supporters are the dumbest people when it comes to peaceful
They say they are peaceful when they got the rest of them going ham
That’s why the proud boys hate them
Gotta say they seem pretty hypocritical
@S2 Do you hate when people say people get killed because they are black
That’s the dumbest shit I ever heard
@DrizzyJavier Heyya sorry for the late reply
No more shitting in my salads
Thank you
Best youtuber ever
I mean factually speaking blacks would get pulled over more then whites and killed But now they use it as an escape button to not get arrested.
Now everytime a white officer arrests a black male it always has to do something with racism.
“You just arrested me cause I’m black” No it’s because you had weed on you
Because black people are three times more likely to do crimes than white people
Not even like that
It’s just that they use their colour to try to run away from difficult situations
where they’re probably going to get arrested
and when the officer refuses to let that man go
I’m based
You literally interact with a black person and you get told racist nowadays
I mean we shouldn’t generalize blacks
@George “Full” Bush same