Message from @MoronicX
Discord ID: 795543171076456449
or xe xem
I do not like the use of the n word but somewhere in the first amendment I do see “freedom of expression”
They won't call me by nigga even tho its my pronoun IM CANCELLING YOU ON TWITTER 😠😠😠😠
It's really insulting of you to use a slur as your pronouns that you made up to prove an unrealistic point.
He probably on black Twitter
@fRoGgY tHe HeTeRo They are my pronouns
pretty rude of you
there's literal segregation happening on r/blackpeopletwitter
its so funny
Then I will have to say n word bc it is offensive to some people.
what's happening
Black Twitter is a joke
in some posts, you cannot comment if you are not black
@fRoGgY tHe HeTeRo Also only white mother fuckers get offended by nigga
@fRoGgY tHe HeTeRo Stop thinking that you know what black people want
How untrue that is...
That’s kinda true
I have literally never seen a blacks person who doesn’t look like a Taco Bell toilet get offended by the n word
i say the n word with no hard r when im with my black friend and he doesn't mind, it's only those who are around me that are usually white
telling me i should not say it
Nigga is a joke word at this point
when my black friend doesnt mind when im saying it
who are they to judge me
Froggy on his white savior pills
Its just a joke word
I'm sorry are you supposed to say that a slur that white people used against black in a very derogatory way and that I was literally told not to say is ok to say because, "only white people are offended by it"?
it's not, its not a slur either it's just a black way of saying the n word
am i using that word to humiliate my black friend you retard
@fRoGgY tHe HeTeRo You know democrats have a bad history behind them but you still support them
he literally doesnt care when i use it
are you stupid
Now I can say that the r word is offensive to me.
@fRoGgY tHe HeTeRo Retard
Wow. This is a very right leaning server...
Go away