Message from @ferbando

Discord ID: 795861251766878238

2021-01-05 03:44:16 UTC  

And they make these labels so you trap yourself in this mindset of "this is the right way of thought, and its black and white"

2021-01-05 03:44:26 UTC  

its very grey

2021-01-05 03:45:23 UTC  

The thing about this that is really tricky,

2021-01-05 03:46:05 UTC  

is they are playing both sides. This is Democrats & Republicans, but the large corporations are actually pulling the strings

2021-01-05 03:46:27 UTC  

None of these things matter.

2021-01-05 03:46:28 UTC  


2021-01-05 03:46:37 UTC  

Blacks, Whites, Asians,

2021-01-05 03:46:47 UTC  

Different terms for each

2021-01-05 03:46:54 UTC  

Arent we humans?

2021-01-05 03:46:55 UTC  

Capitalists did fund Fascist parties. To fight against socialist

2021-01-05 03:47:04 UTC  

They also funded communist movements

2021-01-05 03:47:17 UTC  

As long as people are fighting, they make money

2021-01-05 03:47:33 UTC  

They are distracting the people from themselves

2021-01-05 03:47:39 UTC  

Democrat or republican presienet literally nothing will change that much on an economic level

2021-01-05 03:47:43 UTC  


2021-01-05 03:47:48 UTC  

The status quo

2021-01-05 03:47:56 UTC  

There will be no revolution democratically

2021-01-05 03:48:06 UTC  

So revolutionary action then.

2021-01-05 03:48:15 UTC  

There could be action

2021-01-05 03:48:27 UTC  

But do people really want to go that route?

2021-01-05 03:48:28 UTC  

All countries are controlled by global capitalism. There is no way to tear that down

2021-01-05 03:48:30 UTC  

Some are too afraid

2021-01-05 03:48:39 UTC  

There may be a way

2021-01-05 03:48:44 UTC  

There is no other option

2021-01-05 03:48:46 UTC  

But blood is needed

2021-01-05 03:48:58 UTC  

I hate to say that too

2021-01-05 03:49:33 UTC  

Rich can’t exist without poor, poor cant exist without rich

2021-01-05 03:49:33 UTC  

Im not a warmongering Fascist edgelord, and nor am I a peaceloving Libsoc who knows too little for their own good

2021-01-05 03:49:47 UTC  

Im speaking this as a human

2021-01-05 03:49:58 UTC  

And in hopes that there could be a movement

2021-01-05 03:50:08 UTC  

where we realize its all pointless

2021-01-05 03:50:20 UTC  

and that if we unite, we can fight the evils of this world together

2021-01-05 03:50:33 UTC  

(famine, suffering, death itself)

2021-01-05 03:50:44 UTC  

And yes

2021-01-05 03:50:49 UTC  

youre right.

2021-01-05 03:51:07 UTC  

But some fund the socialists too.

2021-01-05 03:51:19 UTC  

If they keep a balance of two opposing sides

2021-01-05 03:51:23 UTC  

the fight never ends

2021-01-05 03:51:26 UTC  


2021-01-05 03:51:28 UTC  

and they profit off of both sides

2021-01-05 03:51:36 UTC  

This has been happening for years