Message from @Kriskris
Discord ID: 789437268405780491
or you scared youre gonna lose again?
we deal with what we have, not what we wanted or made bfore. Y'All sinners
U are woth him in vc already
Dude black people are the worst, try to claim China culture belong to them, try to claim Hmong sunzhi is African black, China better ban them. Literally help China nothing, sell resource to China with higher price all those shit
Black people help no body not even themselves
China build project for them with the lowest price, and they sell all the good resource to west and claim that China rob their resource
@CoopShoots no u
its 9pm bro
Debt trap is the funnest thing I hear, west give africa same money as China but because Africa leader corruption have money in Europe bank account so they pay money back to Europe first and could not pay back China
Mossad shut the chat down? 😮
you said go to bed
You shut up you fuck the dog
Well atleast I'd still get more pussy than you
You get animal pussy that is funny
hmu when you can see bro
Name is a joke. Its just cause of a game
Anglo pride world wide
USA is the country lock down violect human right also did not fix the problem, number one is Covid case
porch monkey
China number 75
dats racist
America number 2
Scotland number 1
boo hoo
Israel number 1
America 10 country
cool pigeon