Message from @Chris Senor
Discord ID: 795919277521240075
<:youtube:335112740957978625> **Searching** 🔎 `elmos world`
❌ **I failed to execute that command (play)** Encountered: `com.mongodb.MongoTimeoutException`
What’s the topic
Well Kamala has said multiple things she regrets as well
Paris Climate Accord doesn’t work
Neither does the GND
Jeff Bezos has like 100 million dollars in cash @CoopShoots
If you exclude their assets or say their stocks
@CoopShoots I'm streaming tomorrow, if you wanna debate 1 on 1 without a peanut gallery hit me then. 👍
honestly @Operator I’ll argue with you too if that comment about trans people “transitioning to get pussy” was genuine lmao. weird ass take.
It’s just nasty man
what’s nasty?
the reason you made up for why trans people transition? or transitioning itself?
@✨ 🐠 Marci Fish 🐠 ✨ no disrespect, but do you believe that being Transgender is a disorder or what do you believe about it
transition is the treatment for the “”disorder”” of gender dysphoria
Also is being gay/bisexual a choice is it something you are born being
it’s not really being trans that’s a mental disorder because like
it doesn’t make your life bad inherently
it’s the dysphoria that’s considered a disorder
Okay that makes sense
and you’re born gay/bi/whatever, but it’s not really like
it’s more the cultural signifiers of gender that you’re attracted to
like it’s a preference, like whether or not you’re born thinking tomatoes taste good
I see, Thank you!
No problem! There’s actually a lot of really interesting science in this field if you can get past the level of “Ew that’s gross!!”