Message from @Mystika

Discord ID: 783190465746567229

2020-12-01 04:35:44 UTC  


2020-12-01 04:35:44 UTC  


2020-12-01 04:35:46 UTC  


2020-12-01 04:35:48 UTC  


2020-12-01 04:35:56 UTC  

This girl literally works in healthcare

2020-12-01 04:36:01 UTC  

They've done case studies on these

2020-12-01 04:36:02 UTC  

Her entire career is healthcare

2020-12-01 04:36:09 UTC  


2020-12-01 04:36:45 UTC  

Okay droplets can fly if you're screaming at the top of your lungs like SCREAMING and you're facing someone directly 5 feet away and it has to be a HELLA windy day

2020-12-01 04:36:56 UTC  

And even then, the chances of getting covid increase from TIME

2020-12-01 04:37:04 UTC  

So if you're around someone that has covid for 5 mins vs 1 hr

2020-12-01 04:37:10 UTC  

There is a reason they set the distance to 6 feet

2020-12-01 04:37:24 UTC  

If you're passing someone at the grocery store who has covid, masks off, chances of getting it are extremely slim

2020-12-01 04:37:29 UTC  

The masks are to prevent getting covid on the surfaces around you when you distance

2020-12-01 04:37:31 UTC  

Next to nothing if you don't talk to them

2020-12-01 04:37:37 UTC  

Or so I believe

2020-12-01 04:37:45 UTC  

Am I wrong, Mystika?

2020-12-01 04:37:56 UTC  

Covid lasts a good amount of time on many surfaces

2020-12-01 04:38:34 UTC  

Yup that's right. Prevents your spit from getting onto shit, or from someone else's spit going into passages into your body, either through your nose or mouth because that's how viruses spread

2020-12-01 04:39:05 UTC  

There is a reason the CDC initially told people not to wear masks.

2020-12-01 04:39:18 UTC  

They told people not to wear masks because people don't know how to use them

2020-12-01 04:39:23 UTC  

For example people reuse their masks

2020-12-01 04:39:32 UTC  

That's literally begging to get covid

2020-12-01 04:40:11 UTC  

Think about it this way: if you imagine everything your hands touch has covid, then you leave a store, you take off your mask with your hands. Your mask is now infected. You touch your phone, your phone is now infected.

2020-12-01 04:40:37 UTC  

The second you get home, wash your hands and alcohol wipe your phone and you'll be fine

2020-12-01 04:40:48 UTC  

Many people dont use masks properly because they dont care. They wear masks because of mandates.

2020-12-01 04:41:13 UTC  

EXACTLY which is why its almost better not to use them because a mask is actually a source of infection for people that don't know how to use it

2020-12-01 04:41:35 UTC  

A mask is one use. They have cloth masks that people are using for an entire week

2020-12-01 04:41:43 UTC  

That's a breeding ground for bacteria, it makes me cringe lmao

2020-12-12 15:36:24 UTC  

Eh idk about source of infection. But they are not good at protecting others from getting the virus

2020-12-12 15:37:03 UTC  

Literal social distancing is the one thing works well. And nobody is social distancing nor will they ever.

2020-12-12 15:38:24 UTC  

And I believe everyone has a right to not grillos such benign rules like being forced to be 6ft away from your grandma when she wants you by her side.

Masks don’t do much as the virus can ricochet from the front and escape from the opening of the masks surrounding the cheek.

2020-12-12 15:59:03 UTC  

A mask is a source of infection when it's not used properly. For one, masks shouldn't be re used they should be tossed out but people put them in their pockets and touch the outsides and all that.

2020-12-13 04:49:54 UTC  

Viruses are 100x smaller than bacteria. Masks are designed to filter bacteria in larger deposits such as droplets. Thats why theyre used by surgeons. (Haha a surgeon is digging in my shoulder in a week) They aren’t a catch all for them, and there is no evidence they are effective at filtering viruses which are once again 100x smaller. Respirators unlike masks are designed to filter out microbes like viruses, but obviously mandating respirators is impossible due to cost and a lack of mass quantity of them. Mandating masks may help at an initial close encounter with someone but if you are going to be around people for more than just a walk by than there is no evidence a mask will protect you. The best protection is just to distance yourself, which should be your decision and not the government’s esp given the low fatality rate.

2020-12-13 05:32:54 UTC  

Masks work if the virus isn't airborne. If the virus is airborne, you switch from a surgical mask to an n95 mask. Covid isn't airborne

2020-12-13 05:33:00 UTC  

I work in healthcare lol

2020-12-13 05:34:00 UTC  

If you're in close quarters with someone and you're talking to them, masks will help you with not getting the virus. This is why many nurses can deal with covid patients everyday and not get the virus themselves.

2020-12-13 05:35:07 UTC  

With that being said, covid is overplayed. It's more dangerous obvs for those with pre existing conditions or auto immune diseases, but it's not like their chances of death are 100%

2020-12-13 05:36:46 UTC  

With covid, the virus can be transferred through any openings into the body. So eyes, mouth, nose, and genitals. Washing your hands imo does much more than wearing a mask. Assume that everything you touch has the virus, then wash your hands before you eat or as soon as you get home or whatever

2020-12-13 18:24:28 UTC  

N95 is a respirator mask fyi lol, also my mom wore a mask as a nurse and got covid.

2020-12-13 18:25:23 UTC  

Also the CDC says the virus is airborne if you believe them