Message from @🔥🔥Zenera Flame🔥🔥

Discord ID: 786332133291065416

Youtube, Facebook, and Twitter are all in kahoots

Because they all work under the same roof

Like I said

You wanna take down their hold on social media

You gotta take down them first

Which is why I say we need our own "google"

The only way you can hurt them is take away their money

And to do that you need to have a worthy competitor

The only thing Google has to worry about rn is bing and bing is nothing

Id do it myself but Ik nothing about programming

I spent my life studying human brain not computers

2020-12-09 20:33:06 UTC  

making a server such as this is about the extent of my ability

Got a bit zoned out for a second there

My point is tho

With these people trying to make these big changes

You and I both know there not gonna be satisfied

You wanna know what's next?

Legalizing pedophilia

You know how ik?

There are already movements of pedos coming out of the wood work

2020-12-09 20:43:15 UTC  

California lol

Saying they have rights and what they are doing is art

Thats the big reason I really came back into politics

I spent a good deal of my life fighting off those sick bastards

I've seen with my own eyes what they do to kids

And there gonna try to legalize it

People are dressing little kids

Some younger than 5

In sexual attire and drag

Infont of everyone

But its okay they are just doing it as "freedom of expression"

2020-12-09 20:47:37 UTC  

The LGBT is getting worse and worse with this shit

The no maps are coming

2020-12-09 20:47:48 UTC  

Now its mainstream

2020-12-09 20:47:56 UTC  

we got movies out there like Cuties now

Once they come in to the picture

Once that happens

The whistles gonna blow

Its gonna be time

Tbh in any other situation I don't give to much of a fuck as long as it doesn't involve me