Message from @Japheth

Discord ID: 701657585643814973

2020-04-20 04:11:53 UTC  

Yeah that's true that's so annoying

2020-04-20 04:13:11 UTC  

There's like several languages that were in Ireland you know. Not Just Gaelic but I forgot some of the others but it's starting to die out but there's a lot of people that are holding on to him I forgot some of the other names but it's interesting

2020-04-20 04:13:34 UTC  


2020-04-20 04:17:50 UTC  

I haven't seen Shalom around lately but I guess he does tend to come and go on YouTube and here especially but he's cool as hell I like talking to him as well as you

2020-04-20 04:19:00 UTC  

ah yea i haven't got on youtube chat for a while myself, they disabled my typical browser from being able to chat, though I watch silently sometimes

2020-04-20 04:44:33 UTC  

You and him are both very knowledgeable when it comes to subjects like religion or just you know ancestry and I don't know just a lot of that stuff and I like talking to you guys about it or just watch you guys go back and forth about it it's interesting

2020-04-20 04:45:25 UTC  


2020-04-20 04:45:53 UTC  

shalom is fairly smart about race, yes, but his view is tainted

2020-04-20 04:46:29 UTC  

mixed people quandries, trying to reconcile the white race to the jews, very common of modern jews since most are mixed with the whites

2020-04-20 04:48:37 UTC  

it's kinda hilarious juxtaposition to with how liek the blacks try to say the jews were black, and the jews try to say the jews were white, when in reality it is neither

2020-04-20 04:50:50 UTC  

on religion Shalom is pretty knowledgeable, at least about Christianity and then somewhat abotu the heresy of Judaism

2020-04-20 04:51:14 UTC  

he has obviously read the Bible so this is where me and him agree most closely on things

2020-04-20 04:51:58 UTC  

though shalom is a lil superstitious lol, which i liek to exploit for the sake of humor like when i was triggering him by merely typing out spells from Harry Potter

2020-04-20 04:52:48 UTC  

lol i still laugh abotu that to myself "you're castign arabic magic on me"

2020-04-20 04:52:57 UTC  

"avada kedavara nigga i am voledmort lol"

2020-04-20 04:54:40 UTC  

No you're right talking to him I've noticed that too like Jesus actually had reddish hair like trying to like somehow be a Jew with some gentile ish characteristics or something but I just like the guy he's entertaining and seems knowledgeable but I know what you mean it's a bit eschewed on a superstitious side

2020-04-20 04:55:14 UTC  

yea, Shalom isn't making these thigns up though, these are mostly medieval fantasy beliefs

2020-04-20 04:55:31 UTC  

like the nimrod stuff is not actualyl in the Bible, it was made up in the medieval time

2020-04-20 04:56:07 UTC  

Right right I mean he's well-read and knowledgeable is not coming out of his ass but you know and when it comes to all the biblical stuff he knows it's almost like he's into the scientific aspect of it which is great at school but like it kind of goes away from God because it's talking about like the hydroponic Earth you know pre-flood not stuff it but it's so fascinating but it starts to get in the ancient alien history Channel type stuff

2020-04-20 04:56:34 UTC  

yea i know all that too

2020-04-20 04:56:44 UTC  

he's not totally off track on that though

2020-04-20 04:57:07 UTC  

i mean it's a plausible theory, it's based off the verse that says it did not rain before the Flood, but that rather a mist watered the earth

2020-04-20 04:57:14 UTC  

But he's cool and your kind of like the perfect balance when you guys go back and forth and it's funny cuz I've heard you guys both talk and you guys almost sound the same and you going to have the same kind of conviction in your voice

2020-04-20 04:57:25 UTC  

and then of course the existence of the supercentenarians pre-Flood and immediately after the flood

2020-04-20 04:59:24 UTC  

yea shalom is good for convo with me, not many people can keep up, and i tire of always having to come off as like a school teacher lol, it's nice to have someone that at least knwos the basics so we can have a more equal conversation

2020-04-20 04:59:35 UTC  

yeah you got me into a lot of that stuff it's pretty cool man my thing about him cuz he seems like you're such a smart guy is fatal flaw is the flat Earth but I don't bother him about that cuz he gets a little bit touchy with it but I just love when he starts battling other religious people I mean even if he's not that silly right he can sound very convincing you know in my opinion

2020-04-20 04:59:54 UTC  


2020-04-20 05:00:24 UTC  

that reminds me I had been wanting to talk to old shalom pertaining to the flat earth, and more widely cosmological stuff

2020-04-20 05:00:37 UTC  

lol I got recruited into Trump's Space Force, we gonna fake the moon landing again lmao

2020-04-20 05:01:02 UTC  


2020-04-20 05:01:07 UTC  

my pitch was to pretend to put a black man on the moon, and I beleive this will sufficiently convince the plebs that we actually went to the moon because we can just call anyone that claims we didn't to be raciss

2020-04-20 05:01:27 UTC  

yeah he's not as bad as a lot of those conspiracy theorists types but that kind of stuff crazy like when you start to get Owen Benjamin mode then I'm like nah not that he's like that but that's what I'm like okay I can't listen anymore

2020-04-20 05:02:15 UTC  

by the way, the earth is actually flat, a hilarious truth

2020-04-20 05:02:30 UTC  

you can actualyl prove the earth is flat scientifically, but you cannot prove it is a sphere

2020-04-20 05:03:25 UTC  

but that's frankly such an old one, i am suprised of all the things out there that this is the one the people get excited over

2020-04-20 05:03:42 UTC  

that's why when it starts up i nthe chat i just simply say, take a fuckin plane trip, get the window seat, look

2020-04-20 05:04:14 UTC  

yeah I just had to erase a bunch of s*** I was about to say but it's no big deal cuz yeah I know all about that yeah the Earth is essentially flat but it's the outer atmosphere that creates the sphere you know it's impenetrable and actually just like a living organism the Earth is more like football shaped almost and it kind of morphs and changes but it's not flat in the sense that flat-earthers screw up on trying to convince people

2020-04-20 05:04:50 UTC  

no lol it's definitely flat

2020-04-20 05:05:19 UTC  

First and foremost I'm a big believer in physics

2020-04-20 05:05:25 UTC  

hold on, let me get the curve calculator

2020-04-20 05:05:35 UTC  

yea most physics is theorretical and is bullshit lolz