Message from @Stephen Will

Discord ID: 701665010530910209

2020-04-20 05:12:22 UTC  

And let my phone charge

2020-04-20 05:13:26 UTC  

yes, i use the other side's own calculations pretty much to prove themselves wrong lol

2020-04-20 05:13:57 UTC  

Yes and I like yes and I like that I do that too but you kind of threw me off there so I have to gather myself for a minute you jerk. I'm just kidding

2020-04-20 05:14:02 UTC  

though it's more like i prove nothing, reality itself just simply does not align with what they teach

2020-04-20 05:14:16 UTC  

I know

2020-04-20 05:14:36 UTC  

Be right back buddy

2020-04-20 05:14:54 UTC  

lol you don't have to respond everytime i write lol, discord will be here i assure you lol

2020-04-20 05:22:16 UTC  


2020-04-20 05:22:41 UTC  

Have you ever thought about getting into The negotiator business

2020-04-20 05:22:52 UTC  

what do you mean?

2020-04-20 05:23:50 UTC  

I mean that in a complimentary way cuz you have the ability to what seems to put people at ease but yet make them nervous at the same time

2020-04-20 05:24:02 UTC  

i mean what is the negotiator business?

2020-04-20 05:24:20 UTC  

i negotiate as part of my business anyways

2020-04-20 05:24:29 UTC  

Like being knowledgeable on both fronts of a certain subject is a good thing to do if it means you're smart but I can't tell where you truly stand on it like you know I don't know which one that you whole true conviction for

2020-04-20 05:24:46 UTC  

oh lol, just ask

2020-04-20 05:24:56 UTC  

I mean like negotiating with terrorists or like bank robberies and all that kind of stuff I mean essentially the line of work you and you do that kind of stuff but I don't know if that's your daily tasks but I think you would be good at it

2020-04-20 05:25:00 UTC  

i do love negotiations though, that's one of my favorite parts of business

2020-04-20 05:25:16 UTC  

You're not allowed to compliment Japheth aight

2020-04-20 05:25:19 UTC  

maybe that's why people think i got jew blood in me, lol i am a haggler

2020-04-20 05:25:26 UTC  


2020-04-20 05:26:14 UTC  

I like it it's interesting but it's also kind of like a jigsaw puzzle with some pieces missing like it'll just never end because we can go on several tangents and every different direction

2020-04-20 05:26:43 UTC  

@Coldburger how's it going man

2020-04-20 05:27:29 UTC  

working away like a boss

2020-04-20 05:29:08 UTC  

@Japheth the flat Earth explanations hi you're showing or saying can easily be done proving the opposite you can't keep fighting information with information there's got to be a true somewhere

2020-04-20 05:29:41 UTC  

i am saying in regards to the flat earth, take the spherical earth believers' own calculations and put them to the test lol

2020-04-20 05:30:14 UTC  

that's what i did anyways, and i found that rather than being able to see a curve big enough to fit a few Sears Towers into it, that rather the earth was as flat as a prepubescent girl

2020-04-20 05:30:55 UTC  


2020-04-20 05:31:46 UTC  

i get kinda tired with the flat earth stuff, you should have really got to me before i did those experiments though in my early 20s

2020-04-20 05:32:52 UTC  

my late 20s intellectual pursuit was moreso race

2020-04-20 05:33:10 UTC  

but now that i have pretty well finished that off i have lately been studying spiritual matters i guess you could call them

2020-04-20 05:34:00 UTC  

Yeah I never really research you like crazy but from what I seen the flat-earthers used to try to prove it it doesn't work for me and the ones I've always known when it comes to the so-called round earth seemed perfectly logical to me but it's not my field of expertise either and it's a waste of time really to even care but I don't feel like the government lying to me if I knew it was flat damn it like I'm not that kind of person

2020-04-20 05:34:40 UTC  

oh the government definitely lies, i mean that's nothing new lol

2020-04-20 05:34:49 UTC  

not just about flat earth, i mean about a lot of shit

2020-04-20 05:34:54 UTC  

What I mean is people well actually get offended as if the government lying to us there's no such thing as a moon and all that kind of crap I can't stand that kind of s***

2020-04-20 05:35:19 UTC  

but it's not so malicious like theorists beleive, it's more or less because the beleif that the public are lemmings and they cannot really handle certain truth

2020-04-20 05:35:23 UTC  

Oh and I know and I personally don't care like I don't feel I don't fear that you know that's why I don't get any conspiracy theories

2020-04-20 05:35:32 UTC  

realyl the covid stuff is a great example

2020-04-20 05:36:01 UTC  

look how the government first lies and is oh don't be raciss, go hug an asian and shit

2020-04-20 05:36:13 UTC  

The way I can beat the government for lying to me is ignorantly believe them

2020-04-20 05:36:14 UTC  

then it's like well, shit, maybe it is serious

2020-04-20 05:36:26 UTC  

then it is full lockdown