Message from @Hydro PX

Discord ID: 744546579720962078

2020-08-16 13:14:02 UTC  


2020-08-16 13:14:21 UTC  

i guess the world is pretty fucked then

2020-08-16 13:14:59 UTC  

I dont know, only god know what is to be, we must be in his present

2020-08-16 13:15:20 UTC  

yea, God has determined a lot of stuff for Babylon this decade

2020-08-16 13:15:50 UTC  

let us keep watching indeed and from time to time make the Kingdom of Babylon Mother of Sluts drink from the trembling cup

2020-08-16 13:16:25 UTC  

how much more they still have to drink!

2020-08-16 13:16:49 UTC  


2020-08-16 13:16:54 UTC  


2020-08-16 13:17:05 UTC  

they have only barely set their lips to the brim of the cup. Truly truly though they will drink it all to the very dregs

2020-08-16 13:18:10 UTC  

Never Put Too Much Trust In Friends, Learn How To Use Enemies

2020-08-16 13:18:43 UTC  

the first part of that sentence is good, the last part though, no, the Enemy is not useful

2020-08-16 13:19:08 UTC  

"Be wary of friends — they will betray you more quickly, for they are easily aroused to envy. They also become spoiled and tyrannical. But hire a former enemy and he will be more loyal than a friend, because he has more to prove. In fact, you have more to fear from friends than from enemies. If you have no enemies, find a way to make them."

2020-08-16 13:19:19 UTC  

the enemy may surrender or they can die

2020-08-16 13:19:56 UTC  

"The problem is you often do not know your friends as well as you imagine. Friends often agree on things in order to avoid an argument. They cover up their unpleasant qualities so as to not offend each other. They laugh extra hard at each other’s jokes."

2020-08-16 13:20:31 UTC  

those are great points

2020-08-16 13:21:02 UTC  

i like how Dan Pena puts it

2020-08-16 13:21:47 UTC  


2020-08-16 13:22:07 UTC  

"show me your friends and i'll show you your future" ---Dan Pena

2020-08-16 13:22:10 UTC  

that's a kilelr quote

2020-08-16 13:22:17 UTC  


2020-08-16 13:23:26 UTC  

Friends I don't have , enemies though I have in abundance.

2020-08-16 13:23:44 UTC  

sure there's tons of enemies

2020-08-16 13:23:48 UTC  

"Since honesty rarely strengthens friendship, you may never know how a friend truly feels."

2020-08-16 13:23:59 UTC  

don't keep your enemies close, fuck em, they can surrender or die

2020-08-16 13:26:15 UTC  

the problem with today is this "The receipt of a favour can become oppressive — it means you have been chosen because you are a friend, not because you are deserving. There is almost a touch of condescension in the act of hiring a friend that afflicts them. The more favours and gifts you supply to revive the friendship, the less gratitude you receive."

2020-08-16 13:27:00 UTC  

yea that is pretty true

2020-08-16 13:27:12 UTC  

"Your enemies are an untapped gold mine that you must learn to exploit."

2020-08-16 13:27:27 UTC  

no that's not true, the enemies are useless

2020-08-16 13:31:48 UTC  

the battle between the two Kingdoms is essentially a war of words. Babylon the Mother of Sluts and Abominations versus New Jerusalem the Mother of Saints and God's Faithful. Both these kingdoms wil ltry to make the other surrender and quit their kingdom and join the other

2020-08-16 13:41:23 UTC  

judge and you shall be judge-JLP

2020-08-16 13:41:31 UTC  


2020-08-16 13:42:17 UTC  

you don't have to judge them, they're al lready judged from long a go. They will try to change the judgements of God, but the judgement will sit

2020-08-16 13:55:05 UTC  

I dont know

2020-08-16 13:55:36 UTC  

well do you know the difference between right and wrong?

2020-08-16 13:57:18 UTC  

if you know the difference between right and wrong, then it's not judgement to simply call evil for what it is; evil

2020-08-16 13:59:30 UTC  

you can speak up but dont recent

2020-08-16 14:01:20 UTC  

you gonna have to do more than speak up lol, but yea don't have any emotion either way about it when you crush Satan's kids, just destroy them with no pity nor anger, and move on to the next

2020-08-16 14:02:59 UTC  

i rather people come home than to destroy them

2020-08-16 14:03:05 UTC  

well of course

2020-08-16 14:03:19 UTC  

that's why you give them the opportunity to throw down their weapons and surrender