Message from @Japheth

Discord ID: 758910551899373610

2020-09-25 04:35:30 UTC  

shit at her boyfriend's level they probably do all the profit themselves

2020-09-25 04:35:40 UTC  

she ate some scarface level ribs

2020-09-25 04:35:46 UTC  


2020-09-25 04:35:56 UTC  

well in fairness kentucky makes some good bbq

2020-09-25 04:35:58 UTC  

she was a fat, black, lesbian! minus the lesbian

2020-09-25 04:36:17 UTC  

she might have still been a lesbian, but idk

2020-09-25 04:36:30 UTC  

the whorish society is weird a/f today

2020-09-25 04:36:34 UTC  

they are everythign and they mama

2020-09-25 04:37:48 UTC  

ohhh man, these people just bought a house in california for 17 milliion rofl

2020-09-25 04:37:51 UTC  


2020-09-25 04:37:56 UTC  

oh well though her case doesn't even matter, it never did, it was always just going to be an excuse for them to wile out, hoop and holler, and apparently shoot the police this time around

2020-09-25 04:37:56 UTC  


2020-09-25 04:38:10 UTC  

i saw that

2020-09-25 04:38:33 UTC  

I have no idea who those people are, but they don't deserve the money they have I can tell you that

2020-09-25 04:38:33 UTC  

i fairness it's a beautiful house, it just happens to be in the most embarassing state

2020-09-25 04:38:46 UTC  

John Legend a singer i am pretty sure

2020-09-25 04:38:56 UTC  

sounds like a fake name to me

2020-09-25 04:39:19 UTC  

like Elvis or something or those stripper names

2020-09-25 04:39:20 UTC  

yea stage name

2020-09-25 04:39:48 UTC  

yeah fake name, phoney

2020-09-25 04:40:00 UTC  

well that's kinda common for American pop culture

2020-09-25 04:40:22 UTC  

Rosita Bonita

2020-09-25 04:40:40 UTC  

lol never heard of her but that's a great name for someone

2020-09-25 04:40:46 UTC  

though i am sure it be seen raciss a/f

2020-09-25 04:42:56 UTC  

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Charles Barkley on defunding the police "Who are black people supposed to call Ghost Busters when we have crime in our neighborhood? We need to stop the defund or abolish the police crap" <a href=""></a></p>— gifdsports (@gifdsports) <a href="">September 25, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

2020-09-25 04:43:09 UTC  

sorry I don't twitter

2020-09-25 04:43:13 UTC  

too old for that

2020-09-25 04:43:16 UTC  

lol it's okay

2020-09-25 04:43:33 UTC  

huh that's itneresting though that Charles Barkley said that, usualyl he's one of the more foolish of them

2020-09-25 04:43:40 UTC  


2020-09-25 04:43:41 UTC  

but he's bang on there

2020-09-25 04:43:49 UTC  

"who you gonna call Ghostbusters?"

2020-09-25 04:43:51 UTC  

who we supposed to call then, ghostbusters?

2020-09-25 04:44:07 UTC  

you said it barkley

2020-09-25 04:44:23 UTC  

you can go ahead and defund the cops in your towns all you want

2020-09-25 04:44:29 UTC  

I live in a red town

2020-09-25 04:44:33 UTC  

poor Charles he will probably have to walk that statement back though when his higher ups hear that

2020-09-25 04:44:42 UTC  

we will pay for our cops and defund the teachers if anything

2020-09-25 04:44:53 UTC  

he doesn't understand the idea isn't to make you more safe, it's literally get rid of the police to allow the mob to fuck everything up