Message from @Shalom
Discord ID: 768759531348951041
Thank you kind sir
wow haha
the file is tooo POWERFUL for discord haha
let me find another
When I say oprah, or the white man! The text goes transparent for alittle longer than usual
dude i got banned from a game i play for simply mentioning mao
that commie basturd murderer
That’s supposed to be jesus?
thats not cool, thats hot shit
aye, by vincent
I like the towel, I didn’t like Jesus’s decrepit body, but I’m getting used to it
i gonna eat a salad before work i thinks
iam hungry
Salads good
its after he was killed man lol
I think I may have an apple and popcorn my good sir
with lots of shredded cheese and bleu cheese
i gonna cut up some apple and put it in it too now
apple in salad is yummy
apples sunflower seeds pecans and raisin in a salad ❤️
no homo
but i LOVE all nuts XD
never ate one i didnt like so far
but walnuts are the best
tree meat yo
I have a granny smiff, I think it is going to be delectable!
eat a handful of cashews or similar type things and you poo no problem with the american diet XD
we gets not enough dietary fiber in the USA
Ewww, I said pooped and you said poo ewww
everyone gets butt cancer
like the wakanda dude
to much fried chicken and watermelon
not enough watermelon seeds
i likes watermelon and if i eats it, i eat the seeds
Watermelon seeds are good for yeh
aye, eat um