Message from @Japheth

Discord ID: 770854628413407243

2020-10-28 03:36:04 UTC  

i mean even their political and religious views sound like soemthing a fucking twelve year old would say

2020-10-28 03:36:36 UTC  

i think pop culture and media has some to do with it too

2020-10-28 03:36:54 UTC  

looking at the protests, the non-violent that is, they seem very imamture i mean think about it; wearing fucking pussy hats, their chants very childish, their "causes" are like some pre-teen melodramas

2020-10-28 03:37:05 UTC  


2020-10-28 03:37:12 UTC  

have it to good in murica

2020-10-28 03:37:21 UTC  

but yet we don't

2020-10-28 03:37:34 UTC  

we have it pretty fucking terribly actually

2020-10-28 03:37:49 UTC  

i wouldnt say that

2020-10-28 03:37:51 UTC  

not quite yet

2020-10-28 03:38:21 UTC  

oh we definitely do, i mean look at it, it's a society where to the correct and right thing is almsot impossible

2020-10-28 03:38:51 UTC  

America probably was really good before the wicked generations, but after them, it's jsut a hellshow

2020-10-28 03:39:11 UTC  

since the 60s

2020-10-28 03:39:11 UTC  

literally no hope for the future, unless you want to be evil or a moron or both

2020-10-28 03:39:16 UTC  

its been all downhill pretty much

2020-10-28 03:39:25 UTC  

our hope is in Messiah

2020-10-28 03:39:32 UTC  

not in the word

2020-10-28 03:39:48 UTC  

well yea, but i am meaning jsut the life here

2020-10-28 03:40:22 UTC  

it used to be that you have something to look forward, a standard path that is right and correct. That path iis entirely obliterated for our generation

2020-10-28 03:40:47 UTC  

no more playing house

2020-10-28 03:40:55 UTC  

ppl to busy playing opposite gender or halo and shit lol

2020-10-28 03:41:05 UTC  


2020-10-28 03:41:15 UTC  

plus the hit on income

2020-10-28 03:41:23 UTC  

need two income to make proper family now usually

2020-10-28 03:41:25 UTC  

makes it hard

2020-10-28 03:41:26 UTC  

and not just that, but you can't really go to the right path in such a society because the rest of society fucked it all up

2020-10-28 03:41:36 UTC  

no you don't need two income

2020-10-28 03:42:51 UTC  

but for isntance you cannot really look forward to the standard normal american lifestyle of a family and children and a decen hosue in a decent neighborhood anymore because amost all the people are defiled and ineligible, all their kids are bastards, all the houses are expensive trash, and all teh neighborhoods are diverse hellholes of crime and filth and poverty

2020-10-28 03:43:10 UTC  

we need silvertown

2020-10-28 03:43:12 UTC  

from joe dirt

2020-10-28 03:44:31 UTC  

we'll never get it because the overwhelming majority are liek the joe dirt characters and wholly unrepentant about it

2020-10-28 03:56:29 UTC  

okay done eating haha

2020-10-28 03:56:35 UTC  

alright iam out

2020-10-28 03:56:37 UTC  

i need sleep

2020-10-28 03:56:38 UTC  

lol i just got some pico de gallo

2020-10-28 03:56:41 UTC  

i be on tomorrow after work

2020-10-28 03:56:58 UTC  

wanna at least get 5 hours of sleep tonite lol

2020-10-28 03:57:02 UTC  

i catch you tomorrow my dude

2020-10-28 03:57:13 UTC  

lol yea, later

2020-10-28 10:00:24 UTC  


2020-10-28 11:01:40 UTC  

well good morning

Good morning