Message from @Japheth

Discord ID: 771013207556620289

2020-10-28 13:48:16 UTC

2020-10-28 13:51:35 UTC  

that's aa crime scene

2020-10-28 13:51:46 UTC  

the racist cops planted that on him before they executed him

We’re supposed to be uniting the races with truth

Instead of dividing them with lies

2020-10-28 13:56:40 UTC this man created the russian language they speak today, if any russians are in this server you BETTER bow down

2020-10-28 13:57:58 UTC  

Pushkin was part black, his great grandfather was from central africa

2020-10-28 13:59:24 UTC  

lol but he didn't create the russian language, he's just one of their high era writers, this is obvious because his grandfather was taken from Africa in the days of Peter the Great

2020-10-28 14:00:26 UTC  

^pushkin's great grandfather, and a fairly badass historical figure in his own right

2020-10-28 14:05:04 UTC  

but anyways it was my pleasure teaching you guys, but dont worry Jesse will heal your mind from the crushed ego you guys have like a dad running to his son after he scrapes his knee on the pavement..loool

2020-10-28 14:05:45 UTC  

well your sources are part right, but a lot of them are very misleading or they make very obvious mistakes

2020-10-28 14:06:09 UTC  

@Valiance DM me for the paypal info

2020-10-28 14:06:34 UTC

2020-10-28 14:07:18 UTC  

well the africans had a high civilization in the ancient past, ancient egypt is a good example

2020-10-28 14:07:45 UTC  

what the hell does that mean "high civilization"?

2020-10-28 14:07:52 UTC  

all the races have had periods of high civilization and low civilziation at this point, we're pretty far down the pike of history after all

2020-10-28 14:07:56 UTC  

We live in the now

2020-10-28 14:08:23 UTC  

yea in the now we live in a high civilization that is falling rapidly

2020-10-28 14:10:39 UTC  

Who ruined the so called high black civilization? Not any white man. What we see today is the constant ploy for gibs by blacks based on hundreds of years ago

2020-10-28 14:11:13 UTC  

well all high civilizations tend to degenerate from the inside and then either collapse or conquered from the outside

2020-10-28 14:12:43 UTC  

for example, ancient egypt had a high civilization but began to degenerate in the decline of their empire, they became involved in the sort of ancient world wars against Assyria which weakened them, then Babylon under Nebuchadnezzar conquered parts of Egypt and severely weakened them, and they were finally destroyed by the Achaemenids

2020-10-28 14:13:47 UTC  

their last independent Pharoah was Psamatik

2020-10-28 14:14:27 UTC  

Blacks aint built the pyramids. And he can post random black archers all he wants, it doesnt make Jesse anymore wrong lol. I just see desperation for relevance by any means possible. Who cares the ship driver was brown (columbus)

2020-10-28 14:14:57 UTC  

after the achaemenids then Alexander the Great conquered the area, which was then taken over by rome, which was then taken over by the byzantines (east roman empire) which was conquered by the arab muslims and so from that poitn egypt has been arabized and islamized

2020-10-28 14:16:06 UTC  

the blacks did build the pyramids, the pyramids were built when Egypt was still ruled by its native race

2020-10-28 14:17:24 UTC  

you cant prove it.

2020-10-28 14:18:03 UTC  

yea you can, the ancient egyptians were black and the pyramids were built before they were conquered

2020-10-28 14:18:16 UTC  

it's realyl pretty simple

2020-10-28 14:18:17 UTC  

cause its in the Bible?

2020-10-28 14:18:32 UTC  

not just the Bible, their own writings too and the writings of others

2020-10-28 14:18:43 UTC  

they cant write lol

2020-10-28 14:18:46 UTC  

but yes the Bible also of course, that's jsut more supporting evidence

2020-10-28 14:18:46 UTC  


2020-10-28 14:19:07 UTC  

why are you like that

2020-10-28 14:19:14 UTC  

it's jsut the truth

2020-10-28 14:20:48 UTC  

there's no real problem with the blacks having their own history, the problem comes when they try to conflate themselves unto everyone else's history really

2020-10-28 14:20:52 UTC  

you realize the genetic lineage changed considerably over time.

2020-10-28 14:20:56 UTC  

you jsut have to understand each to his own quarter

2020-10-28 14:21:31 UTC  

yea over time the egyptians would get slung out of their land and replaced by the arabs ultiamtely

2020-10-28 14:21:41 UTC  

they do confuse/appropriate a hell of a lot more often than anyone else i've heard