Message from @Cole

Discord ID: 448441882461339661

2018-05-22 11:03:36 UTC  

Imagine if you never exercised for example. What would you want on your hips for your life.

2018-05-22 11:03:51 UTC  

A calorie rich burger

2018-05-22 11:03:56 UTC  

Or a nice salad

2018-05-22 11:04:03 UTC  

Ribs for breakfast or some muesli

2018-05-22 11:04:19 UTC  

i would go to that burger and make it so that rest of my macros even out for the day

2018-05-22 11:05:09 UTC  

>ribs for breakfast

living the life

2018-05-22 11:05:18 UTC  

yes and yes as long as i enjoy my life i dont care about me hips

2018-05-22 11:05:23 UTC  

alright here is the problem
muesli contains a ton of sugar that get stored in the body
ribs on the other hand are just fats that can be burned instantly
most salad dressings are worse than a quarter pounder

2018-05-22 11:05:40 UTC  

also what this kid posted

2018-05-22 11:05:41 UTC  

>not wanting thicc hips

2018-05-22 11:05:45 UTC  

it would depend on salad alot

2018-05-22 11:05:58 UTC  

you can make salad unhealthy as fuck

2018-05-22 11:06:02 UTC  

amerishart style

2018-05-22 11:06:09 UTC  

if you eat just some lettuce without dressing its good

2018-05-22 11:06:16 UTC  

but yeah its 2pm so "Breakfast" (first meal of the day)

2018-05-22 11:06:57 UTC  

y-you're supposed to eat lettuce with dressing?

2018-05-22 11:07:10 UTC

2018-05-22 11:07:17 UTC  

also i find fat to be better source of energy than sugar for myself

2018-05-22 11:07:53 UTC  

so i think i would go for that burger

2018-05-22 11:07:55 UTC  

I always just sprinkled some salt over my salads and that was it

2018-05-22 11:07:56 UTC  

>June incoming
>still no voice chats


2018-05-22 11:07:59 UTC  

Maybe lemon juice

2018-05-22 11:08:07 UTC  

@Cole we have voice chat server now

2018-05-22 11:08:16 UTC  

inb4 mumble

2018-05-22 11:09:01 UTC  

@Krieger The Viking Plague Doctor a good mix is a just a bit of water with salt and vinegar

2018-05-22 11:09:08 UTC  

and yeah, a bit of lemon

2018-05-22 11:09:33 UTC  

I know why I'm fat

2018-05-22 11:09:40 UTC  

I have too much sugar

2018-05-22 11:09:53 UTC  

Well stevia

2018-05-22 11:09:56 UTC  

Im fat because i eat a lot, duh

2018-05-22 11:10:12 UTC  

I will consider myself overweight but not fat

2018-05-22 11:10:25 UTC  

like amerinut obese

2018-05-22 11:10:29 UTC  

I also don't exercise. I used to but let my gym membership go

2018-05-22 11:10:33 UTC  

like matthew?

2018-05-22 11:10:35 UTC  


2018-05-22 11:10:46 UTC  

thankfully dog forces me to excercise

2018-05-22 11:11:07 UTC  

I am slightly overweight according to the dutch average

2018-05-22 11:11:18 UTC  

I am 83kg

2018-05-22 11:11:27 UTC  

tfw barely 64 kg

2018-05-22 11:11:28 UTC  

If I was a few centimeters I would be normal