Message from @Shalom

Discord ID: 791396903337197579

2020-12-23 20:02:51 UTC  

prolli more accurate then most would think

2020-12-23 20:03:12 UTC  

big long nose, big eyes, smaller forehead, and a heavy to a somewhat sparse beard

2020-12-23 20:03:36 UTC  

Nazarenes would part they hair down the middle too

2020-12-23 20:03:40 UTC  

afros dont do that lol

2020-12-23 20:03:59 UTC  

they got to shave a FAKE Caucasian part into they hair

2020-12-23 20:04:29 UTC

2020-12-23 20:04:58 UTC  

let alone, how much attention they pay to the side burns, back of the neck and uni brow

2020-12-23 20:05:03 UTC  

that is a no no in Torah

2020-12-23 20:05:05 UTC  

let it grow

2020-12-23 20:05:17 UTC  

even braids are not to be done in Torah

2020-12-23 20:05:19 UTC  

heathen do such

2020-12-23 20:06:10 UTC  

the hasidic dont get it either tho and go nuts with it such as

2020-12-23 20:06:18 UTC

2020-12-23 20:06:38 UTC  

vanity, its all over

2020-12-23 20:07:11 UTC  

Ecclesiastes 1:14
“I have seen all the works that are done under the sun; and, behold, all is vanity and vexation of spirit.”

2020-12-23 20:07:38 UTC  

Psalms 144:4
“Man is like to vanity: his days are as a shadow that passeth away.”

2020-12-23 20:08:04 UTC  

1 Samuel 16:7 - But the LORD said unto Samuel, Look not on his countenance, or on the height of his stature; because I have refused him: for [the LORD seeth] not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the LORD looketh on the heart.

2020-12-23 20:08:25 UTC  

when you kill over shoes

2020-12-23 20:08:33 UTC  

the dirty objects you walk into puddles with

2020-12-23 20:08:37 UTC  

that is insane vanity

2020-12-23 20:08:45 UTC  

Jesus would wash your feet

2020-12-23 20:08:50 UTC  

an afro nazi will kill you for your sneaks

2020-12-23 20:08:52 UTC  

its insane

2020-12-23 20:08:55 UTC  

men of flesh

2020-12-23 20:10:33 UTC

2020-12-23 20:10:33 UTC  


2020-12-23 20:12:00 UTC  

a bunch of men

2020-12-23 20:12:04 UTC  

who act like bitchy women

2020-12-23 20:12:16 UTC  

and worry more about fashion shoes and hair cuts then divas

2020-12-23 20:12:20 UTC  

while they claim they are kings

2020-12-23 20:12:21 UTC  


2020-12-23 20:12:42 UTC  

hilarious, but sad, but aye hilarious

2020-12-23 20:13:07 UTC  

99% of the time

2020-12-23 20:13:13 UTC  

those who boast in what ever area

2020-12-23 20:13:16 UTC  

they lack

2020-12-23 20:13:37 UTC  

its an insecurity

2020-12-23 20:13:38 UTC  

a vice

2020-12-23 20:13:40 UTC  

a mask

2020-12-23 20:14:15 UTC  

a real king doesnt neet to shout he is king to everyone

2020-12-23 20:14:26 UTC  

a baker doesnt scream hes a baker

2020-12-23 20:14:34 UTC  

he makes bread