Message from @fedora

Discord ID: 475444131435642901

2018-08-04 23:20:10 UTC  

you honestly post in these 10 r9k servers more?

2018-08-04 23:20:16 UTC  

do you do anything but shitpost then

2018-08-04 23:20:37 UTC  

r9k server after r9k server

2018-08-04 23:20:42 UTC  

so is so sad

2018-08-04 23:21:26 UTC  

@fedora he doesnt want csg to find out about his reps sigh

2018-08-04 23:22:04 UTC  

also >loli server

2018-08-04 23:22:45 UTC  

Nothing wrong with a loli server

2018-08-04 23:22:48 UTC  

do u know what this reminds me

2018-08-04 23:22:50 UTC  

of zambz

2018-08-04 23:22:51 UTC  


2018-08-04 23:22:53 UTC  

now im sad

2018-08-04 23:23:00 UTC  

sigh rip zambz

2018-08-04 23:23:04 UTC  

From top to bottom
Chinese goods
Religious server
Dutch chat
Financial server
Rossmann group
Keeping the rave alive (hard style and things)
Summer camp for the watch nerd
Dutch religous server
One I am in just so I can keep my partnership
Spotify music
Some closed halal meme server
Csg unofficial
Dutch shitposting server

2018-08-04 23:23:10 UTC  

he booted me from his server

2018-08-04 23:23:43 UTC  

>islam server

2018-08-04 23:23:51 UTC  

only servers u need fam

2018-08-04 23:24:00 UTC  

I am a moderator at pax Islamica <:alismirk:230784726615588865>

2018-08-04 23:24:38 UTC  

The rest is random shit for global emotes

2018-08-04 23:24:57 UTC  

@AstroJannah where is dutch gay server

2018-08-04 23:25:08 UTC  

Bottom of the bin

2018-08-04 23:25:14 UTC  

@transience this tyllerö im snapchating is really horny

2018-08-04 23:25:21 UTC  


2018-08-04 23:25:28 UTC  

kjeh kjeh

2018-08-04 23:26:15 UTC  

webdev server, webdev server, gay server, mongolian sercer, soyboy general, /r/fashionrep manlet server, chinese shopping server, chink server, webdev server, /wdg/ server

2018-08-04 23:26:29 UTC  

see at least i dont hide my frequented servers

2018-08-04 23:26:48 UTC  

@fedora post r9k servers if u dare

2018-08-04 23:27:07 UTC  

im not in many

2018-08-04 23:27:11 UTC  

only that one incel server

2018-08-04 23:27:16 UTC  

where u are too

2018-08-04 23:27:25 UTC  


2018-08-04 23:27:28 UTC  


2018-08-04 23:27:31 UTC  

gib invite to wbg

2018-08-04 23:27:34 UTC  


2018-08-04 23:27:35 UTC  

i left it

2018-08-04 23:27:49 UTC  


2018-08-04 23:27:56 UTC  

Programming pajeet5 webRakeesh?

2018-08-04 23:28:24 UTC  

We don't have a /dpt/ server, don't we?

2018-08-04 23:28:42 UTC  

/crossdressing/ general my fren

2018-08-04 23:28:51 UTC  

/dpt/ are the most autistic on /g/ @Sdeck37

2018-08-04 23:28:52 UTC  

already inviting me to secret server

2018-08-04 23:28:58 UTC  

they would probably sperg about the idea