Message from @aaabi
Discord ID: 779863854405910528
yes i know im saying i didnt like it i knew it was necissary but still
Ooooh my innocent britbongs and joos
silence slav
Slavs are the best and cleanest race
well i mean i cant lie
Lmao how
Jews created those pictures theyre fake
How at the time would they have the technology to do so
When the Nokia was made in like 1980
Jews control the world
They have all the recources
Also fucking films were made from other films editing was able at that time
They couldve made that
Why not make I phones quicker then
Stop calling the fucking nigger who is "fascist" but thinks holocaust is real and cares about kikes
well the picture does look quite strange but the holocaust was not a lie but was overdone
Lmao he can be fascist and not racist
It was a lie
Those were work camps and everyone that died there died of disease nothing else
no i dont care about kikes the holocaust was real but overdone no were near 6m were killed
yeah and alot of "gas chambers" were made with non german bricks
Gas chambers had fucking wooden doors
exactly jews did die at germanys hand but not 6 million and not done how people said it was
I hate Hitler for his occupation of my country but he was a good man and he was good for this world sadly holocaust didn't happen if it did happen it would save the humanity
No lol they died from disease
I wish Hitler didn't kill himself
yes but a few were shot not many
He didn't kill himself
Hes in argentina
So the Soviets could torture his ass
Not argentina
Lmaooooop more cringe