Message from @Josef

Discord ID: 790724166340837396

2020-12-21 13:36:27 UTC  

So it is an end?

2020-12-21 15:30:26 UTC  

extreme nationalism that promotes the interests of one state or people above all others.
^ definition of a ultranationalist/the ideology of ultranationalism.

Tradition is not specified to a certain ethnic/racial/national group ( some nations have different ethnicities yet they all have the same or similar tradition ).

No it is not all about land, it's about ethnicity, I meant it to come off as that but now I see after re-reading it again I worded it the exact opposite way. The ethnic group happens to be in the a great portion of land outside of the "core land" ( modern country and it's borders ), to which a conquest of territory to reunify the ethnic group happens inevitably.

I am a bit unclear on the last one, but I will answer it when I understand what you mean.

2020-12-21 15:30:28 UTC  
2020-12-21 18:13:21 UTC  


2020-12-21 18:13:32 UTC

2020-12-21 18:13:45 UTC

2020-12-21 18:13:47 UTC

2020-12-21 18:13:57 UTC  

If you are interested in this group message me.

2020-12-21 20:27:12 UTC  

That’s really gay man

2020-12-21 20:27:41 UTC  

Fucking Christians man

2020-12-21 22:19:48 UTC  

@Heinrich really nigga

2020-12-21 23:28:38 UTC  

@Heinrich i thought you were 12. probably 40 now that i think about it

2020-12-21 23:29:21 UTC  

That makes no sense. @Josef

2020-12-21 23:30:08 UTC  

because you just deleted your retarded message

2020-12-21 23:30:32 UTC  

I don't think you can speak.

2020-12-21 23:30:54 UTC  

Seeing as you messaged me then deleted all your messages you nigger.

2020-12-21 23:31:21 UTC  

because im not interested in your christian pagan unity bullshit

2020-12-21 23:31:46 UTC  

Then don't message me you decrepit fuck.

2020-12-21 23:33:32 UTC  

you took too long to respond so i asked others, simple as. by the way, your gay group is going nowhere - just like every other group before it.

2020-12-21 23:34:41 UTC  

How do you know that? Do you foresee the future?

2020-12-21 23:35:32 UTC  

i use reason/logic

2020-12-21 23:36:13 UTC  

what in the fuck is this logo? 🤢

2020-12-21 23:38:51 UTC  

How is a groups future decided by said logo?

2020-12-21 23:39:10 UTC  

Clearly your logic isn't working, go shake your black ball you gypsy fuck.

2020-12-22 00:22:00 UTC  

me mentioning your shitty logo was unrelated

2020-12-22 00:51:38 UTC  

im 100% sure you will secure the existence of our people and a future for white children by spray painting your shitty logo everywhere

2020-12-22 00:53:28 UTC  


2020-12-22 01:20:41 UTC  


2020-12-22 04:47:00 UTC  

Hey guys I'm a radical traditionalist who was invited here. I'm more of an intelectual person, as that is which builds the foundations for our future.

2020-12-22 04:47:50 UTC  

But I'm not at all opposed to action as long as it has a perceivable end.

2020-12-22 04:48:26 UTC  

We should get a vc in this server.

2020-12-22 04:49:00 UTC  

my fellow aryan warrior, i wish you luck in the great battlefield of ideas ✋

2020-12-22 04:51:07 UTC  

Oh plus I am pro pagan christian unity. We both have a *common* enemy, that is the modern world, therefor we need to put our differences aside in the fight against the Modern world. Once we win we can simply separate into our own communities.

2020-12-22 04:51:24 UTC  


2020-12-22 04:53:08 UTC  

we can fight apart, as we believe different things. just like i wouldnt fight with richard spencer, nor nick fuentes followers.

2020-12-22 04:53:10 UTC  

i agree whole heartedly

2020-12-22 04:54:23 UTC  

if the movement is broad enough (example: white peoples party) it could work. it really depends on the individual organization

2020-12-22 04:55:01 UTC  

No but people like NF are subversives. Christians or pagans shouldn't view each other as inherently subversive to each other.

2020-12-22 04:56:21 UTC  

christiasn are 100% inherently subversive, and blatantly **wrong**.

2020-12-22 04:56:49 UTC  


2020-12-22 05:00:37 UTC  

"My specific, perfect, entirely infallible brand of Christianity has never been tried."

Christianity is based upon the *infallible* bible, and the bible's infallibility in confirmed by the fact that the bible was written by god (through profits which we have no way to verify). we know it was written by god because (now heres the funny part) it says so.

now if you believe this, you can move on to its actual teachings, which i could elaborate on. Bolshevism for 2000 years...