Message from @CrazyMangoz

Discord ID: 790812056575279134

2020-12-22 05:15:31 UTC

2020-12-22 05:15:43 UTC  
2020-12-22 05:15:49 UTC  

Rn me and my family go to an Episcopalian church so I’m Christian, but Paganism sounds kinda neat

2020-12-22 05:16:46 UTC  

For me my family is jewish but I’ve strayed into Christianity but now it sounds kinda dumb

2020-12-22 05:16:59 UTC  

Thank you Nicholas

2020-12-22 05:17:06 UTC  

you are jewish by blood?

2020-12-22 05:17:21 UTC  

My parents are converts

2020-12-22 05:17:36 UTC  

close one lmao

2020-12-22 05:18:30 UTC  

So you are a full blood? I mean as long as you aren't subversive anti-white or a banker than I guess I can't complain.

2020-12-22 05:18:50 UTC  

Just stick to your own people I guess...

2020-12-22 05:19:01 UTC  

>sees mixed race couple in YT ad
>day ruined

2020-12-22 05:20:03 UTC  

you can find some bits of truth in everything, but in christianity you are VERY limited in this aspect.

instead of blindly following what the bible (book of bullshit) we can determine what everything we need to know using reason. paganism (or what every you would like to call it) is the natural religion of aryan people, stemming from our blood. We are a part of Nature and subject to Nature’s laws. Within the scope of these laws we are able to determine our own destiny.

2020-12-22 05:20:39 UTC  

It’s complicated. As far as I know we don’t have any close jewish roots at least. My family has no ethnic features and I’m very much white nationalist lmao

2020-12-22 05:20:57 UTC  

`people live now for the same reason the earth was born out the gas and dust of the cosmos. we exist for the same reason the first primitive amphibian crawled out of the water and learned to walk on the land. it is obvious that the universe tends toward higher and higher level of complexity and evolution, which has culminated in us, conscious man, but we are not the end. it is our duty to consciously recognize and devote ourselves to our one true purpose; higher man. NOT petty material gains which are purely meaningless in the end.

we can even find examples of this in ourselves (among other things), which i call the divine urge. all people, even those who are not conscious of our greater purpose strive to improve themselves, their surroundings, and their community in some way (except soulless people like psychopaths, who are more like moving cell blobs, not people)`

paraphrasing from william luther pierce here

2020-12-22 05:21:00 UTC  

Not to mention i’m not very keen on Jews anyway

2020-12-22 05:22:47 UTC  

Poetic Edda
Prose Edda
Saga of the Volsungs
The Saga of the Jomsvikings
Njal's Saga
Seven Viking Romances (collection)
Sagas of the Icelanders (collection)

Arthurian Romances (collection)
The Dream of the Rood
The Wanderer
The Seafarer

The Nibelungenlied
Agricola and Germania

The Odyssey
The Iliad

The Aeneid

The Kalevala

The Bhagavad Gita
The Upanishads
Rig Veda

2020-12-22 05:23:16 UTC  

As a Pagan, how do you worship? You guys don’t have any churches or anything like that, so what do you normally do? Honestly curious

2020-12-22 05:23:31 UTC  

I’ve heard witchcraft is a practice??

2020-12-22 05:24:19 UTC  

You meditate on the runes and Gods/goddesses. Celebrate the solstices and equinoxes.

2020-12-22 05:24:37 UTC  

those are all pagan books. read this for more insight into what pagans believe, but take it all with a grain of salt.

2020-12-22 05:24:46 UTC  


2020-12-22 05:25:30 UTC  

I personally think that you don't "worship" entities, rather you get to know them, and to be like them.

2020-12-22 05:25:54 UTC  

So are they symbolic or are they thought of as existing

2020-12-22 05:25:54 UTC  

this is good. it brings the community together and allows people to become connected with the divine energy which people of most religions feel without truly knowing what it is.

also yes, we dont worship in the common sense

2020-12-22 05:28:31 UTC  

both. the god kali is a symbol/representation of "god's" destructive nature. we become in touch with that energy through kali (not a actual being). that is my take, but i dont know much about this

2020-12-22 05:28:37 UTC  

They are what you call archetypes. I would say they are supra-conscious entities, they have personalities and so forth and are actual beings that exist on what is convenient to describe as another dimension that we cannot sense with our traditional 5 senses.

2020-12-22 05:29:25 UTC  

Makes sense. Do you guys ever find yourselves doubting anything with the religion?

2020-12-22 05:29:35 UTC  

not personally - if it does not make sense i study it more, and reason it out.

2020-12-22 05:31:28 UTC  

this sort of sounds like superstitious mumbo-jumbo to me. how do you know these beings are conscious and aware?

2020-12-22 05:31:54 UTC  

Doubt comes when something we thought was previously true turns out to be partially/or wholly untrue. Sometimes doubt comes from a misunderstanding since you can't get the greater picture. However I personally do not pre-suppose anything to be true, therefor it is up to me to discover that is true and what is false. That's the great thing.

2020-12-22 05:34:38 UTC  

Well I wouldn't say they are part of our subconscious. Based off of widely accepted primary literature (and some) personal experiences I've had, they are separate from our consciousness and have their own personality. We know this because these beings can confirm things to us on which we where previously unaware of.

2020-12-22 05:39:18 UTC  

truth exists independently, it is all-encompassing/absolute. we figure out what this truth is with reason. can you send me to some literature that would point towards these many divine beings existing and being conscious, if not paraphrase their arguments?

2020-12-22 05:39:42 UTC  

maybe tomorrow

2020-12-22 05:40:30 UTC  

Well hearing all this stuff is definitely interesting. Thanks for answering my questions. Goodnight folks

2020-12-22 05:44:53 UTC  

Considering it. I just always find myself doubting a higher power or an after life because of what’s been proven by science

2020-12-22 06:08:59 UTC  

Nothing as been “proven” by science. Science has *never* and *can never* disprove any notion of a higher power.

2020-12-22 06:10:07 UTC  

Because science is a means, not an end. Science is a mere product, a tool we use to figure out the world around us. It is not and end.

2020-12-22 06:45:02 UTC  

the second part is spot on - we use science to figure out the world around us. "science" has proven evolution to be true, the age of earth, et cetera.

if "science" or reason cant prove any notion of *the* higher power, then how do we *really* know we are correct in regards to our purpose? answer: we dont, and this leads to nihilism and nothingness. from what i can tell science/reason has already proven divinity and therefore out purpose, but believing in conscious deities is a leap of faith because it relies purely on anecdotal evidence.

2020-12-22 06:47:26 UTC  

maybe they could be rationalized, but even then i would be agnostic

2020-12-22 06:48:17 UTC  

it’s terrifying for me to think that i could spend my entire life believing in something just to be wrong

2020-12-22 07:01:28 UTC  

if you die believing in what is false, eternal nothingness waits for you in the afterlife - your divine spark and all of its lost potential would simply fade away. like popping a balloon and releasing the air contained inside it, the same would happen to your divine essence.

but there is truth sitting right in front of you, and you know it is so because only it makes sense - all else is all illusory