Message from @Grand
Discord ID: 763444201102377022
So you think our ideology is systemically racist? Well it’s simply not. Michelle Maulkin AKA mother of the Groypers said it is okay for the US to then take actions like to pay families of color to not have children so they can also prosper but eventually we can return to a nation with its fundamental ideology rather then muchacha and Zimbabwean’s not systemically racist because we would be giving them a choice to do so and as we know money works for almost anything so they would most likely take it but they don’t have to
who cares?
Legit the Groyper fundamental ideology is a return to our roots without being racist or anti Semitic. Nick said that himself like 4 live streams ago or so. We wouldn’t put privalege on white people at all. Same laws just at the privalege that blacks or Hispanics can actually get paid to reproduce
No. Closed borders and then a return to fundamental Christian values. Nick even said it would be fine to maybe give them some financial aid to live on their own so they wouldn’t storm to the US again
only illegals for now
To preserve a Christian culture. We don’t want this nation to be dominated by other cultures
>muh meme degree
Legit I’m taking high school AP economics and border security has barely any net economic change
economic major says the wall is a meme
Mexico after they enforced strict security on their sudden border noticed almost 0 net economic change
Closed borders - the act of banning immigration or the act of LIMITING LEGAL IMMIGRATION
We could allow legal immigrants to come in if they become Christian and adhere to American culture
why would you think closed borders meant not allowing anyone lmao bruh moment check
Actually no. The population coming from little immigration would have no net economic impact. Immigrants make up only a little % of economic power in the US. If we allow a little legal in then they will atleast pay taxes but will come i slow enough to go through a class or something on our culture
Legit America is a Christian nation founded on the value of all rights come from not man but GOD
He was referring to church and state
Not north and south
He was speaking to a church pastor when he said both the union and confederacy were Christian nations. It was a battle of Christian ideals but the church and state didn’t truly split until after the Us reunified
Okay retard
Let me get it
Read that
Go down half way
I updated the link I accidentally put a space
Click it again and go down half way
what are they
There is no 6 places to visit in October retard
i wanna visit 6 places in october
Legit let’s watch it
where are some good places to visit in israel?
I want to take my honky ass to the desert and flirt with some Jewesses