Message from @ZoomerNat

Discord ID: 790415049196830730

2020-12-20 17:25:03 UTC  

tim pool is now based?

2020-12-20 17:32:33 UTC  

I don’t see how he will ever be redpilled. He has called political violence against conservatives, he’s not joining us any time soon.

2020-12-20 17:46:10 UTC  

Afaik he’s since softened on that position and says that he’s said it in the past not realizing that commies would end up incredibly sympathetic with it or some shit

2020-12-20 17:46:37 UTC  

I can’t fully remember what he said specifically on it but that political violence is not something good

2020-12-20 17:51:27 UTC

2020-12-20 17:56:18 UTC  

Destiny and JLP have some nice moments

2020-12-20 17:56:29 UTC  

nice contrast

2020-12-20 19:47:18 UTC  

Wow, I'm not even surprised at this point

2020-12-20 20:32:39 UTC  

I call absolute BS on destiny getting even slightly red-pilled. The guy is a total rat and deserves the r0pe in minecraft quite frankly. He is the most disingenuous person online.

2020-12-20 20:53:28 UTC  

dont be mistaken, he isnt red pilled and will never be

2020-12-20 20:53:43 UTC  

he simply isnt a radical

2020-12-20 21:28:45 UTC  

this "man" sleeps with dudes

2020-12-20 21:28:51 UTC  

thats enough to discredit him

2020-12-20 22:49:18 UTC  

I mean the dude thinks child porn should be legal yeah?

2020-12-21 01:41:51 UTC  

He didn’t say child porn should be legal. He said if there is evidence of past child porn being used to perhaps control the urges of pedophiles who might not want to physically do something to children (something about it being used as an outlet) however the entire convo where I recall him talking about it. He had a shitload of criteria for how it would be used and he said he would support it only IF it was effective but if there isn’t any evidence to support its effectiveness or evidence of supporting the contrary (that it has if anything, more negative effects) then he wouldn’t support it

2020-12-21 01:42:32 UTC  

I think he had an entire talk where it was him, Soph, and Fuentes on the kill stream or something

2020-12-21 01:43:44 UTC  

Side note: Venti never went on

2020-12-21 01:44:00 UTC  

So the title perplexes me a bit

2020-12-21 01:44:21 UTC  

Regardless, I think they talk about it in the beginning

2020-12-21 03:07:12 UTC  

Destiny is such aids that I could never watch that debate he had with Nick more than once

2020-12-21 03:07:35 UTC  

Except the one back in 2017 with Lauren southern because that was funny.

2020-12-21 03:12:27 UTC  

Afaik he’s had (excluding the one I linked above and the Lauren Southern one) maybe 3 debates 2 in 2017 and one in the train wrecks stream

2020-12-21 03:12:51 UTC  

And I suppose the most recent one with him on the kill stream around 4-5 months ago

2020-12-21 03:13:20 UTC  

But the recent one was some funny shit

2020-12-21 03:17:11 UTC  

I can definitely say though that in the 2nd solo debate Destiny and nick had near the end of 2017 was probably the most interesting just because I felt like there were a few times throughput the debate where Destiny would misinterpret (I will give him the benefit of the doubt that it was genuine misunderstanding rather than deliberate disingenuousness simply because I’ve seen Vaush set a new bar as to what I believe being disingenuous means tbh) what Fuentes was saying and Fuentes never completely made clear the point he was making

2020-12-21 03:19:06 UTC  

I’m sure Fuentes has probably gotten better at debates or the points he’s making over the past 2 years because of more experience but that debate I feel he could’ve persuaded Destiny better by making a case for the cultural incompatibility that comes with massive numbers of immigration

2020-12-21 03:20:49 UTC  

Because even in the debate prior, Destiny mentioned that although some people on the left would call him a neoliberal, he doesn’t worship multiculturalism which entails (I think) that he can be persuaded

2020-12-21 03:23:41 UTC  

He might be socially progressive or whatever and might disagree on the role of man and woman, traditional monogamy, and the importance of family but he’s one of those niggas you have to sort of persuade with empiricism and the good thing is there IS empirical evidence of sexual promiscuity being a detriment to society ESPECIALLY for woman (something he’d likely sympathize with) and it’s probably a detriment to gays as well tbh

2020-12-21 03:25:10 UTC  

Idk the stats on the amount of gays who find joy and fulfillment being in a heterosexual relationship and having a traditional family (despite being gay) VS being in a gay couple or engaging in sexual promiscuity with other gays (which from what I’ve heard runs rampant in gay culture)

2020-12-21 03:32:45 UTC  

I remember watching a video of Nick Fuentes reacting and commenting on Ben Shapiro’s speech against him and America First and he (Nick) mentioned a fellow by the name of George Richwine who made a speech at the Social Contract Conference and how Hispanics aren’t assimilating into the US. I looked up the video (it’s like 20 mins long) and in it, Richwine talks about how it’s not IMPOSSIBLE for a Hispanic to assimilate into American culture but that it is harder for them to because their culture is very different than European culture. He also stated that Italians back then had a very hard time assimilating into America despite their cultural and ethnic background being far closer to the culture of the Western Europeans. Beyond that, the other integral factor was how Hispanics make up an overwhelming proportion of the percent of immigrants entering the US and how it disincentivizes assimilation. I think Fuentes in the Destiny debate could’ve touched on how realistically anyone can assimilate into American culture but it comes down to the number of people coming into the nation, the proportion of a particular group (be it racial, National, ethnic etc) and how much does the group entering the US differ culturally from the predominant culture of the American population

2020-12-21 03:32:55 UTC  

Sorry for the walls of text lmao

2020-12-21 13:04:23 UTC  

This is what Turning Point USA is spending your money on instead of fighting for president Trump.

Hiring prostitutes in sheer clothing to shoot dollar bills into the crowd to win the culture war.

2020-12-21 13:07:27 UTC  

This is the same TPUSA Charlie Kirk that attended Frank Turek's podcast on hope in conservatism on campus. Kirk is an absolute embarrassment and so is TPUSA, it's sad and pathetic.

2020-12-22 20:15:48 UTC

2020-12-22 21:29:29 UTC  

This nibba looks like a groyper in this pic