Message from @BC-Covington
Discord ID: 778739562725769266
my korean nigga is here
whats up my chigga @ATLGASTATESPORTSFANx
bing bong ping pong
anyone livestreaming the GA rally
It’s on or sharia’s DLive right now
@BC-Covington in recognition of the zoom calls you participated in you are now Desert Groyper
tiktok, instagram, streamer roles etc. have been updated. If you are a content creator and we missed you out, dm.
sweet thanks
still waiting on that tpusa guy to release the stream last night for the masses to see how it's done lmaooo
Hey everyone there's another tomorrow. I won't have anything in my way so I'll be recording that also.
Were trying to keep up the pressure
I got help from Lebanese friends also
lmao i see that
unfortunately, i do have to say that its clear that the people saying 'release the zoom call joe' are not supporters of his so idk if this is actually making it less likely for him to release the video now
if it were more like 'oh man joe i missed the zoom call, anyway you guys are going to put it online somewhere?' i think that wouldve been more likely to get him to put it online
Of course they aren't they are my supporters
no i know and i appreciate that
but just think about being joe for a second: youre reading the comments and its just 'release the zoom call joe' from people clearly not on his side.
now imagine if it were a bunch of randos going 'hey i missed that zoom call last night but i was registered, anywhere i can catch the replay?'
he's much more likely to appease the second situation than the first
I always take the view of my good friends in Lebanon. Playing nice doesn't get them to cave
I seem to have other friends who want to ask questions of him so I'm gonna be coordinating
no i get that im not asking you to go against them lmao
i'm talking in terms of 'what is more likely to get joe to release the zoom call?''
just practically speaking
Maxie stonemans yt is back up
> Hey everyone there's another tomorrow. I won't have anything in my way so I'll be recording that also.
@orthodoxhardliner uh i cant make it
if only it were now
I'm gonna be making it to record it tomorrow @ZoomerNat
> I'm gonna be making it to record it tomorrow @ZoomerNat
@orthodoxhardliner can send footage later?