Message from @spicy sauce
Discord ID: 785718459807170600
I so want to meet her so I can constantly say, "Hello ma'am, what can I do for you, miss, etc." 🤣
Ellen Page, that is^
She’s a fucking retarted faggot
She still looks like a chick, lmfao
Its peak clown world
Human nature and God's law always prevails, we cannot resist it and pretend to be something we aren't and embrace evilness.
Elliot Page transitions to Elliot Page was a line in one of the fag newspapers
It's gonna keep getting worse...
The butchering of language is worth killing them over haha
America's greatest shame is giving women the suffrage.
The second greatest shame is slavery but only because now that we brought them into America, it is impossible to get rid of them.
Oh dude
All news is fag. AF for life.
When Chauvin gets declared innocent
Batten down the hatches
Chimp mode 2.0
Chimp out
Abe Lincoln wanted to ship them back... He was right 🤣.
Traitors are worse than the enemy
No wait! Im on your side!! I hate white people too!
Lincoln knew that keeping them in America would cause internal racial and cultural conflict and tension.
Absolutely. The enemy behind you is more dangerous than the one ahead of you.
Absolutely! One of the forgotten based aspects of history. The first meeting of a black man in the White house was to determine how they would leave back to America
Yep. A multicultural and multiracial society and nation is unsustainable, and he and the rest of the country at the time knew that. Now look where we are at. The point of no return... :(.
I don't hate the blacks.
I think one out of every 200 is an alright guy.
Like Ben Carson and thst other nigger that makes funny tik tok videos.
But we have to look at the overall general demographics
That's the point of our movement
Yes, there are good colored people. But, generally, our differences are too significant to co-exist in the same society, let alone a country.
If I were a nigger, I would be happy rhst my ancestors were brought to the US as slaves.
It isn't the White mans fault their ancestors were traded for spices and other bartering items