Message from @GIGACHAD
Discord ID: 786188635237122059
This server is about sending racist memes, not for accommodating negros and spics
I'd say, it is a Groyper "tavern"
And we need to have strong, traditional rules
and we need our emojis
Such as "No Dogs, No Potato Nigger, No Kang"
We need more based emojies
Just go back to original discord days, instaban retards
Nah, we need to go forward, to much better and brighter days
@Dan-6'5-MED it is a bit surprising how far I’ve come for someone who used to be hardcore leftist socialist, I was always sympathetic to the white working class but the absolute anti white hatred I was confronted with alienated me to this point, they did this.
Fuse Tradition and new improvements, in order to create a truly based utopia
Little did (((they))) know
@Dan-6'5-MED I’ve attended socialist meetings, read the theory and was very dogmatic about it, but then I realized salvation isn’t economics.
Let me guess, those meetings were full of faggots and kikes?
Dallas don't parade your awful history!
Even if you've come to the light... it's not a "good look"
People change you know? It’s better I’m here than there. But I getcha I’ll stop harping on it.
I’m losing hope guys
Just wondering what they were like.
But hey, at least you are on much better terms <:whitepilled:786143233469054976>
My country (Aus) has granted citizenship to nearly 80,000 Indians this year
I wanna fking die
At my work I’m the only white guy
I just have to vent in chats like this
I suspect, you live in a cucked place?
I already know, that place is insane, Yes. 😆
My neck of the woods is good, white suburb
Just my work... it’s probably 25% white, if that
But, which city?
Can’t say dude sorry
Oh, that is a shame
Dude you sound like a bot tf
Govt agent spotted