Message from @Lord Luger
Discord ID: 786382308239999047
Squanto was based
Pocahontas is honorary white
I somewhat remember that movie
Back when Disney wasn't a completely Jewish propaganda machine
They altered the movie to not call them dirty savages
A moment of silence to reflect on what the Jew's did to my boy Walt Disney's legacy
I hate redskins
Or not
Constantly whining
So disrespecful fevdal
Chad Anglo making out with maverick
What can I say
That's not chad
They always do
People call the Spanish chads for procreating with the amerinds, and look at how shitty their countries are
ELIJAH SCHAFFER (@ElijahSchaffer) Tweeted:
Michigan Democratic State Rep boldly threatens Trump supporters on a livestream
They want us dead
@gaymorb2 optics check!
Spaniards are based cause they did everything in sight, after marrying them of course
@gaymorb2 Is it working yet?
Yeah and their countries suck ass
Horniness isn't really based material
it is a little bit
But it's funny cause the Mexicans are always the one talking about how white people have always been bullies, but their white ancestors literally conquered an entire continent and fucked the local girls just for shits n giggles
Yeah, a little bit
I concur
Their ancestors are savages that sacrificed each other
implying spics know anything about their history
On one side
They're mostly white
Typically anyways
Mexicans, especially
That's why people in South America are way better than central americans, because they're way less race mixed
Mexicans are mostly mestizo