Message from @Jeb!
Discord ID: 786647529067773972
it has nothing to do with napoleon himself
it has to do with the fact that the french only lost because of the rothschilds
the js supported the french revolution
Napoleon agreed with the revolution
lmfao that is retarded
Napoleon used the revolution to build an empire
the french revolution was originally proto communism
then napoleon rose to power and gained control of the entire society through autocracy
well if that's true he sounds based
his rule was not at all like that of the oligarchs during the initial revolution
he supported it to the extent that it ended the power of the monarchy and instead gave power to an elected autocrat, him
Napoleon accepted money from rothschilds
The only difference is the world would have more french genetics <:aaaaaaaaaa:786143233432223824>
yes, and then they shorted the bonds they bought at a loss
literally just to put all of the european controlled banks out of business
Napoleon went across Europe destroying monarchies and installing democracy
And equality <:aaaaaaaaaa:786143233432223824>
<:aaaaaaaaaa:786143233432223824> <:aaaaaaaaaa:786143233432223824> <:aaaaaaaaaa:786143233432223824> <:aaaaaaaaaa:786143233432223824>
yes, and the monarchies were all in bed with the eternal jew
So were the democracies?
idk why that video starts at a specific timestamp but watch the whole thing
Already watched it
well then you know what happened
democracy is gay
and equality
@Sid you fucking Anglos ruined everything <:hyde:786143233288699924>
but I just respect him for conquering shit thats based and he sint a jew
autocracy is not democracy
the eternal anglo
The eternal Anglo that fucked the world over and over <:hyde:786143233288699924> <:hyde:786143233288699924> <:hyde:786143233288699924> <:hyde:786143233288699924> <:hyde:786143233288699924>
reminder germany destroyed Christianity not anglos
what da
what da
But Mussolini restored the Vatican?