Message from @Joe Rocky MED
Discord ID: 786673537192296450
He doesn’t have to be perfect to be our guy
a clear line needs to be drawn where everyone is forced to pick a side
They just don’t care
The Negro Uprising of 2020, will truly be overshadowed by the Faggot rebellion, if Trump wins
Tax Credits for white parents soon 😎
yes indeed
The soy cuck lib dudes don’t gaf they think it’s good
This my perspective entirily
they dont care because they are not aware that the end result is south africa
That at a Chadtholic church?
it needs to be clearly visible to them
They'll never make it that obvious
And thats the only way people would finally realize it
Fucking kike controlled stock market airbnb lost $200 trying to swing it and its already back up
the problem is most whites don't care about going extinct
as for the soylent liberals, they dont reproduce so all that needs to be fixed are the systems that indoctrinate them into becoming such
They think it’s fine all in the name of multiculturalism
They will but by then it'll be too late
Many of them, are scared of being ostrazised
right, they have to experience it first hand
And probably hold based beliefs, deep down
but like you said, by then it's too late
even if they dont think they do, they do subconsciously
They have to be beaten by a pack of niggers to understand
there is a biological drive to perpetuate your subspecies
They only way they'd think its a bad thing is if they were forced to spend more time around non-whites
all whites know the truth but the denial mechanism in liberals is stronger
i have a friend who i've tried telling this too, but he doesen't really care, as long as he can drink his beer on the weekends
They just need to see a Nig Floyd "Protest" to simply get redpilled
throw a white liberal woman into a crowd of black and paki men see how she reacts
deep down they all know the truth
the only thing that conflicts with it is literal mental illness which the VAST MAJORITY of liberals do in fact have
True there’s too much escapism to face the truth
I thought you Meds, were somewhat based?