Message from @Mefedronux
Discord ID: 787283470023524364
<@!570340248643567626> Say Nigger
Or, NiggerHunter1776 is going to kill you and rape your family!
They act like filthy Dutchies, and are often rude and gae
Anglos rioting against the boers
Are you any of those?
Just say Nigger
Or ban
Say nigger
You can have our trust, if you say Nigger
Hi there groypers
thinking of committing multiple bombings on mosques killing the whores in my school and then fleeing to mexico
your pfp reminds m
Hello, epic department?
Say Nigger
now say u want to kill niggers
I couldnt say that I love niggers to death
Nah, no fed posting
NiggerBoobs6969 will be happy at that, you don't want to please him!
I love them so much I watch them through my sniper scope all day, and night
Althought I can only see their eyeballs during nighttime
Should practice that, in the ruins of Detroit!
Sex is gay
How long do you think, you can reach Detroit?
I think Detroit is out of my reach, would have to cross the ocean.
Oh shit, another Anglo in chat?
Nah, Slav department
What country?
The home of the greates beer ever, HarnaĆ- Poland
How is that, the greatest beer?