Message from @Napoleon
Discord ID: 787336811525046314
yo tone
I hate to break it to you guys but its likely over
People are actually coping now
<:jewnose1:786382699169710110> <:jewnose2:786382672230350849>
Joe you really think anyone will do anything if Biden gets in?
Most Republicans wouldn't be angry enough to revolt
People wont do anything regardless
Once the larping phase passes it's back to regular life
Still democrats are more likely to do something than Republicans
If it does escalate they'd have to shoot first
I agree, but trump wont get in
I could use that book
most republicans are old ass mfs
and the political infrastructure isnt there to secede
the plan means building the infrastructure necessary to be self-sufficient and not integrated within the neo-liberal system
South carolina just declared independence <:HitlerFlushed:786382715779022909>
Whites need to quit their jobs en masse
Your political solution is turn into zimbabwe?
That would hurt whites more than anyone else
Crash the system
It's the only way
@Joe Rocky MED make it like the end of fight club
Join your local kkk
The whole system depends on the working class whites
Let it burn
That would hurt us more than anyone else
We can still win this bois
Trump said the fight has just started
No it would hurt the system the most
Emperor Trump
The only way to win is to smoke weed every single day
Maybe we’ll be surprised and Trump will expose the zionists or at least blow up the GOP for us