Message from @DrPlacebo
Discord ID: 787395779089924186
<@787018060879757353> No.
She’s actually the Amerimutt meme
Jewish and mestizo 🤢
She’s more stupid than evil
dude even if they did genuinly want to heal the country I still wouldn't want to
You don’t “conjoin” with the enemy
like 4 endless years of "drumpf" and bs and constant attacks on us
Did you hear my idea that in the unfortunate event of a b*den win, people like us should larp as antifa and disrupt his events?
<:hi:786143233214119936> <:hi:786143233214119936> <:hi:786143233214119936> <:hi:786143233214119936> <:hi:786143233214119936> <:hi:786143233214119936> <:hi:786143233214119936> <:hi:786143233214119936> <:hi:786143233214119936> <:hi:786143233214119936> <:hi:786143233214119936> <:hi:786143233214119936> <:hi:786143233214119936> <:hi:786143233214119936>
I like
Pull of a Jew tactic?
gotta act like jews to beat the jews
Based Ted
“Maybe it’s time to start being unreasonable”
~Nick Fuentes
Niggers don't understand <:angrylaugh:786143233344143360>
he's playing dumb
Lol Sebastian gorkha
what did that fat faggot do this time?
That Jew in the vid looks like him lol
oh shit! i didn't even notice it before
wouldn't be surprised if it is him
lol I think the guy on the podium making a speech just named them
They all look similar 🤔
uh yamaha?
what podium?
the livestream
the guy speaking said big business, elites, communists etc
also Great American Party <:nice:786143233720713229>
Hasan made a video talking about how republicans clapped kami after he did the speech lmao