Message from @RJ
Discord ID: 787717975309942805
fact: you cant be AF without screaming nigger to the top of your lungs until you collapse of exhaustion
Does anyone know about the significance of this?
Nevermind, I misread.
It's a misleading title.
I've had some good burgers in my time
I love a good swiss cheese with caramelized onions
That is hot stuff
You can get that at a number of different places
hot stuff
Usually I would ask why, but I suppose you're having the last laugh knowing that all mainstream calibers are out and the more niche ones are the only that have stock
chad AR-15 vs jew Galil
Lmao the Jewish Galil over gAyR-15
The AK platform is better
Why do you say that?
Saying the AK platform is better is commie propaganda <:bignose:786382692253302815>
Some other groypers are saying at least one groyper got stabbed in DC
I want to congratulate @TrustFundTerry on coming out as gay
They looked at one of the photos and confirmed one of the stabbing victims was a groyper
The AFP made a video about the march yesterday and half of the video is Nick Fuentes talking and people chanting "Groyper"
There is also the "Christ is king" chant at the end
galils are kool
unless it's a galil ace, then you're fuckin gay
Nope it’s the original Galil but the Galil ace is sick
Your cucked the AK platform is better
@GIGACHAD the AR is gay and soy
AK is Temple OS
AR is Windows 98
Thanks <:trumpsalute:786382702957428766>