Message from @Stanke
Discord ID: 788066238751834122
But I don't care putting my face here
True i mean what would even happen lol
Nothing, racism is a daily occurence here
Then do it, blackie
go dox me
Funny Nigger memes?
Holy shit, you did it!
that is me, fuck niggers, fuck kikes, fuck trannies, fuck communists, hitler did nothing wrong
Respect <:trumpsalute:786382702957428766>
go dox me
my gecko
🤔 🤔 🤔
<:trumpsalute:786382702957428766> <:trumpsalute:786382702957428766> <:trumpsalute:786382702957428766>
Nigger bitch
how's the voting going
for the electoral college
Now i kinda want a gecko
A dog would be cool but I’ll just walk to my parents if I want to see them and not have to deal with all the maintenance
Man's best friend < nigger gecko
Dogs are for men who can handle responsibility
I’ve been around dogs my whole life they’re great, but dog hair and stuff is annoying. Plus id have to add a back door or redo my fence
Dogs are aryan
Lazy nigger energy
White people go out and do things