Message from @Napoleon
Discord ID: 788201232543907840
Jared kushner needs to be fired.
Trump is assembling a very epic team <:nice:786143233720713229>
@Mr.Groyper beat me to it
He doesn’t take that Jews advice anymore
Jared kushner got trump to pander to blacks and other shit.
Can he assassinate the entire SCOTUS?
Kushner is by every account, the biggest cancer in the white house
500 billions dollars for blacks
only got 12%
The entire republican party needs to be assasinated.
so much for BLEXIT
300 IQ move, have delta force liquidate all Democrat leaders then pardon them
And that's just in detroit!
What are niggers going to do with 500 billion dollars
Jordan’s ain’t cheap!
spence is on fri chykem
New Jordans aint cheap. Shieeeet
they can rebuild detroit for less
That's an integral part of the platinum plan
Trump needs to tell them they aint getting a stimulus check untill they rebuild detroit
Trump should sign an executive order to retroactively reinstate the 3/5th compromise, thereby winning the popular vote. <:whitepilled:786143233469054976>
a portion of money should be use for plan tickets back to africa
also the fence in the Southern Border isn't going to hold
total dub today
im now saving half of each paycheck
trump should've fired barr since when he fired bolton
also biggest mistake to put a woman on scotus now look what happened
41% check?